Looking for raids @ 1pm ST [A]

Ideally want to play my 5.8 hunt and get her achieves done, or I am happy to play my 5.9 SP (bane, full sanc) and steal holy gear so I can get denied invites for not playing disc.
Can pull reasonable dps on either

Also have an all-role, multi lod/bane/rs25hc/insanity/whatever druid I can fill with if necessary. (although i've never played boomy kek)

Can only raid after 1pm ST on weekdays. Tues/Thurs I need to leave by 4pm ST, other days I can stay late.

Please tell me there's an early morning guild out there that isn't chinese or horde. :( I have an itch to play again but pugging is somehow worse than it's ever been.

Reply here or msg Lucastrasza / Circadian via mail.