1. Please consider. About additional BG options.

    The 40 man bgs (in particular AV) is being manipulated and abused to the point that it's ruining the game experience for many.

    Not only the "mark as afk" function that is super abused by premades to control who can play and not (even if they are afk or not)

    But also the general fact that neither of the two 40 man bgs are designed properly...
    Alterac Valley in particular is somewhat of a joke, and has been since it's implementation in vanilla.

    And then we have the simple fact that a VERY sizeable (if not the vast majority) of PvP focused players, genuinely and thoroughly DESPISE Alterac Valley and Isle of Conq. Most do not want to ever play these BGs.

    Want to complete your random bg + extra honor daily reward ?
    Well tough titty mate :D because there's constant 40mans run by HK farming BiS gearscore premades that take FOREEEVER and only ends once the human souls of every opposing player has been thoroughly planted & seeded, picked & harvested, bullied & tortured.

    Which let's be honest most of the time will take about half a human lifetime.

    Well then, just leave? Yes I do that. And what happens? Next time another 40 man and another HK farming hell appears.

    Seriously I know this has been talked about before.
    And there's a reason why this is the case... This is an incredibly unnecessary and annoying situation.
    And most PvP players HATE it. That's why they keep asking for it.

    If the client allows it. Then PLEASE I beg you, for the love of all things still good on this defunct planet:
    Let us decide whether we want to play 40mans or not.

    Ty for your time.

    If you agree, tell us why that's the case.
    If you disagree, please explain yourself.
    Edited: October 15, 2023 Reason: spelling

  2. Yeah 40 mans are ****ing cancer, cause of premades. As u said when u just want to farm honor for gear, gems etc u que random bg cause of additional honor after bg ends but when 40 ally ******s que as 1 group thanks to addon u are forced to be playing against them. Everyone know how those bg's looks like.
    So it's either remove Alterac Valey and Isle of Conquest from rbg pool, "block"? make it punisheable to abuse rbg system with AV Enabler addon that allows u to mass que or do the same system that is implemented to soloq j mean "que solo" "que duo" but with the difference that those who que solo won't be playing against premades.
    Sry for bad language

  3. av enabler is not even used anymore. If you queue av and ioc you are almost guaranteed to play with the same people. Almost all of the time there aren't enough players to run two parallel avs or iocs.

    I'm not sure if the "mark as afk" option is enabled in big bgs. A few months ago it was really abused, but now every time I've got flagged as afk it was the automatic system and not a player flagging me. (Of course, I don't do anything to attract reports...)

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