1. Remove kick option

    Does more harm than good, or at least make it so its required for 4 people to vote yes, it's getting really annoying and it legit made me uninstall the game, I cannot use viper aspect as a hunter without risking getting kicked for "low dmg", it's extremely toxic since the entire game is based on doing dungeons and such

  2. I'm going to consider that you made this post while frustrated, that being reason you suggested something so unreasonable anyway.

    If that didn't make it clear, no, the way kicking someone from a party works won't be changed. It serves its purpose. Can it be abused? It might, but that can also be countered by the players themselves - if it takes three votes, get two more people in a group with you before queuing, for example. Or, since as you say a lot of the game is based on doing dungeons, learn to compromise. If you know people dislike you using Aspect of the Viper, how about you don't while in RDF?

    PS: unless you got poisoned and required an antidote, there was not nothing toxic involved.

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