1. Unban request

    I think i have being banned for no reason and the unban request ticket has not being revised for more than 24 hours.
    How or where i can contact someone who can help me with this isuue? I dont know why im banned and how long.
    Account information says im terminated for advertisement and i can not log in the account.

    Similar thing happened to a friend of mine:theyr account info were saying they were banned for advertisement but they could still log in theyr account and the ban message in theyr account dissapeared after 1 day.

    I dont know whats going on is this a bug in the automated system or can someone talk to me and explain me or unban me?
    Please help.

  2. How or where i can contact someone who can help me with this isuue?
    Nowhere besides opening the ticket and waiting for a reply. Chances are you used a VPN which was permanently banned before or the like. Probably all free VPNs around (maybe even a couple paid ones) have been banned due to people abusing them to break rules, such as the mentioned advertising.

  3. No im not using VPN.It happened after i sended a link to a video to a friend of mine in whisper chat...or in a party chat with just the 2 of us.
    Thanks i will wait i hope the issue will get resolved soon.

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