1. please don't bring TBC in 6 months like the rumors i've heard. that's too soon... we want to play classic for at least 1 1/2 years
    There a good chance that in 1.5 years a nuclear war will kill us all; another good chance that the realm would be dead since it's 3x and based on the WotLK client, so compared to vanilla is 3x * 10 times easier, thus, people would get bored fast. If on Classic they kept 2 years it for 2 years (and ~ 2 years for each expansion), then 6.5 months is enough on 3x with the QoL improvements we have here.

    Good job, Warmane!

  2. Hi there,
    just would like to ask when we can expect TBC expansion to come.

    Thank you

  3. Thunderfury quest is bugged - cannot pass examine the shard quest! I have both bindings....

    Is there a lock because BWL isn't released yet so you cannot attain the quest?

  4. Why Eva Sarkhoff doesnt give me the first quest of the Scholomance chain? i have googled it and couldnt find anything about it :(

  5. pls remove dungeon finder, its ruining this game. it is the reason i didnt play retail. today i have done a dungeon with dungeon finder and the game sets me in a group of lower people, and no one that can ress, bad choice of class. I wanna chose the people to go in dungeon, not setted in a group of ****s.

  6. where i can download is game ? cant work on website here

  7. I ran into something peculiar, I had completed the quest "Of Love and Family" within
    the dungeon and received credit for it but once I left the dungeon I had lost credit for the task completed and it reverted back to 0/1. I am not sure where to go with this as I submitted a GM ticket in-game. If this is the wrong place to discuss this please by all means direct me to the appropriate place thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.

  8. Is it possible to changefraction from, dwarf to undead? my bro is playin horde -.-

  9. Can you make Belfs and Draenei available from the start so horde can have paladins and Alliance can have shamans?

  10. Is it possible to changefraction from, dwarf to undead? my bro is playin horde -.-
    Once it's made available, yeah.

    Can you make Belfs and Draenei available from the start so horde can have paladins and Alliance can have shamans?
    That wouldn't be vanilla now would it?

  11. On what date we can expect blood elves to be available in the character creation? Sorry if was replied before, but I didn't found. Thank you Moderatos.

  12. On what date we can expect blood elves to be available in the character creation? Sorry if was replied before, but I didn't found. Thank you Moderatos.
    Burning Crusade.

  13. Once it's made available, yeah.

    That wouldn't be vanilla now would it?
    I'd like to know too

  14. Is warmane staff open to exporing further QOL changes during the classic era? Two big ones that come to mind are potions stacking to 20 as well as druids being able to drink potions while shapeshifted (cant use health pot in bear form currently)

    Thanks : )

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