1. Looking for a way to track pala's buffs in rdf

    I have this specific problem, playing as holy pala, using healbot. It has this buff tracking system that is okay, but when it comes to track different buffs on the same class it sucks. Precisely, i had to turn it off for palas, because i want to give other palas bok, whereas having bow on myself. I am playing rdfs only.
    The only option for me is, using power auras to track bow and sow for myself, and for other palas, to check after joining a rdf if there are any and giving them bok manually.
    I tried pally auras, and for rdfs, its overcomplicated, also, couldn't set it the way i wanted it to be.
    So, i just want something like healbot buff monitor, but for other palas in a party.
    Is this possible?

  2. I think you looking for PalyPower, in it you can set GreaterBuffs and SmallerBuffs for the same class, and thus once it's setup you wont have to worry about it as a simple left or right click will give it the apropriate buff.

  3. sorry what i meant is Paly power, not working at all for me

  4. sorry what i meant is Paly power, not working at all for me
    First, try typing /pp config. If that works, it means you have the correct version, and you can troubleshoot from there.

    If it doesn't, you either have the wrong version or you don't have out-of-date addons enabled.

    If it's the wrong version, this one should work: https://felbite.com/addon/4395-pallypower/

  5. what i meant is that it is not doing what i want at all. Its just tracking every pala for the one buff, and like i said, i would like to keep track of bow on me, and bok on all other palas.

  6. so its just troublesome when doing rdfs, because like i said, i had to skip paladings buff checking by healbot because my bar would be lit all the time out of combat. So now everytime i have to manually check if there are palas in party, then every time manually rebuff them.

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