1. DalaranAH 3.3.5a


    DalaranAH is a lightweight World of Warcraft addon that simplifies interactions with the Auctionhouse NPC in Dalaran by providing a customizable button on your screen, allowing you to target, set focus and mark the AH-Bot.
    Also it opens the Auctionhouse instant, instead of clicking manually on the Gossip.
    It provides localization support for multiple languages and is accessible through various slash commands.


    The Addon needs Localisations in order to work.
    Currently Supported Clients are enUS, enGB, deDE, ruRU, frFR, esES, esMX, zhCN, zhTW
    Help me localize ur Client Languague here


    /dah, /dalaranah
    size - Resize Button (min: 10, max: 100, default: 50)
    reset - Resets Position to Center
    focus - On Button-click sets AHBot to focus
    mark - On Button-click gives AHBot a raidmark
    help - Prints Help

    More Informations:

    >> Github <<
    Edited: November 15, 2023

  2. It is possible to make a version for Reginald Arcfire ? This is the Horde side AH.
    Thank you

  3. I thought they shared the NPC... It's fixed.
    Edited: November 15, 2023

  4. I thought they shared the NPC... It's fixed.

    Amazing, thank you so much for the update and for this addon.

  5. Thank you, I'm glad you like it :)

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