1. I cant log in im a moron

    im a complete moron and dont know what im doing so please help me, I CANT EVEN LOG INTO MY ACCOUNT???? im entering the email then the password and cant login im entering my username still not logging in (even after verifyed my account)

  2. Edit

    EVERY time it says: Unable to connect. Please try again later. If the problem persists please contact technical support....

  3. Try 1 and 2, but to avoid future issue with settings not saving, follow up with 3 and 4.

    1. Restart your PC.
    2. Close and exit torrent. Move your WoW -folder to other folder, away from Torrent's Download folder.
    3. Right click WoW -Folder, select properties, un-check "Read-only" and Apply.
    4. If you get prompt, Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files and click OK.

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