1. Configurable, working nameplate addon

    I want a nameplate addon that lets me adjust the position of the plate on the Y axis (to raise it further above heads) and which does not conflict with TotemPlates (or has its own way of showing totem icons for tremor, cleansing and mana tide, and hiding others).

    I have tried:

    Aloft - works, but somewhat buggy and doesn't work with TotemPlates and its own totem display is bad.

    mNameplates - supposed to work; has the configuration option to change y axis, but changing the y axis in config doesn't actually do anything. Broken config... I would like to use this if anyone has an actually working copy or can help me figure out what's wrong with it.

    Kui Nameplates - doesn't have ability to reposition on Y axis.

    TidyPlates - doesn't have ability to reposition on Y axis. Also ugly af.

    ELvUI - too buggy, broke my PlateBuffs.

  2. Replied here. You could try TotemPlates from that topic if yours will conflict.

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