1. Shadowmeld into Stealth

    During any pve encounter, can i have a macro where i stop attack go into Shadowmeld and then into Stealth so i can trigger Overkill buff... Thanks

  2. /cast [nostealth, combat]Shadowmeld
    /cast [nocombat]stealth

    u can add button mod macro for vanish in one macro like:
    /cast [nomod, nostealth, combat]Shadowmeld
    /cast [nomod, nocombat]Stealth
    /cast [mod:shift, combat, nostealth]Vanish

    shift can be replaced by your preferred button.

  3. . .
    Edited: January 1, 2024

  4. 3 Weeks Ago  
    use alt(shift,ctrl)+scroll so you can shadowmeld>stealth>sprint on one go

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