1. How does what you say counter the fact that it's not fun to play against person controlling 5 boomkins instantly nuking you down? And how does one shotting people because you have the fire power of full group perfectly assisting on kill targets "sucks in vanilla pvp"?
    really we're complaining about boomies? the literal meme spec of classic? oom after 10 casts, no stacking hots, no aoe damage. On top of no resilience gear, 5 minute trinket vs fear and no dr on spell pushbacks. I would start pressing buttons if you lose to boomkins, and if you kill one he doesnt even have a regular resurrection spell. In a 5v5 of somewhat competent people he doesnt even have enough mana to kill all 5, or he straight up dies in the second fear.

    on topic the x3 xp is perferctly fine.
    Edited: November 25, 2023

  2. 100% agree. This is not progress server x3 and RDF was a mistake. If they opened normal new fresh Frostmorne server i would be much more happy to play it. But Classic is not this. all of the point of classic is LvLing. Me and my friends was planing to spend 2 month min in STV slowly lvl and have fun. We are not even thinking to play season of discovery . we were gonna play onyxia. But now we are thinking to play season of discovery . Game is empty everyone rushing to 60 with RDF. And they will burn out when they stuck at 60.

  3. Player count cant be the measurement of how good the game is. Look at the retail,still has millions of people,yet most people dislike it,even those who play it . Diablo 4 ,supposedly has almost 5 milion player,yet game is literal dogshi*

    Btw,2 months in STV wouldn't happen not even on 0.5% xp server ,and especially not here. Maybe 2 months because of the gankers but as far as xp goes on 1x you would be out of STV in 4 days tops.

    There were 600 hp rogue twinks second day of server release and lots of 2300 hp hunters at lvl 30 , You gonna wish game was empty,and you gonna LOVE RDF when you leave starting zones and when you get flagged for pvp.

    Just today i decided to go to Ashenvale,the moment i entered,there were 4 rogues and a hunter . All 5 of them combined had almost 10 k hp. That's just entrance of Ashenvale. Satyr horns quest area had at least 15 ally rogues ganking as well as anywhere on the main road. All in all,i was in Ashenvale for about 20 minutes,i saw about 50 ally players.

    I cant even imagine STV,Tanaris,Dustwallow... and its going to be like that for a full year,until TBC comes out.

    Having pve realm would be massive fail because tere wouldn't be any donations. What's the point of spending thousands of $$ on gear,if you cant gank no one with it . Even tho /pvp on and off would be a nice thing for a new realm,at least for a week .

    Its gonna be a nightmare farming high end ores/herbs,especially because server has 6-7 k players online and considering TBC LW Drumms = Vanilla Engi both for pvp and pve + everyone needs flasks,potions + add on top of that already existing bots running around , casuals wont have good time here that's for sure and that's gonna turn many players away. I hope ''fresh hype'' population stays this way and numbers dont plummet to 3-4 k within a few weeks because if they do i doubt TBC and WOTLK will happen.
    Edited: November 25, 2023

  4. I agree with OP, to an extent.

    After reading a lot of posts and comments, it seems that the majority of players on Warmane have either not played vanilla in their life, or they just don't like the game itself so they want it to be catered to their tiny attention span. When you preach customizable xp rates, that is just copium. If the default xp rates are x3 or x5, who in their right mind would slow down their rates for the sake of immersion. Immersion also means that everyone else is in the same boat as you are when you're playing.

    However, the entire point of Onyxia is not to have a sustained vanilla server. It was announced from the start that it wouldn't be a carbon copy of vanilla and it will have its custom features. Like a vanilla server in wrath. So many mechanics are different right now (like UBRS not requiring a key). I didn't invest much time in the server because of the disclaimer that was given from the start, and I was just longing for a fresh classic myself.

    PS: Moderator's name checks out

  5. No, I want to play the game, not your game.
    Then find another server? (Or change the xp to x1 and stop whineing)

    IMO x5 would have been better! not fan of that slow x3, but I have to get over it and just use the extra time to get to 60..

    And if people really wanna whine, then lets talk about the Boat from Auberdine to Stormwind?! WTF is that? has nothing to do with Vanilla ;)
    - Should be Auberdine to Wetlands (So you had to run all the way to IF and Train to SW)

  6. WhErE iS tHe sErVer dElAY, tHiS iS nOt r3AL WARniLla eXpeRiEnCe!!!11

  7. Actually I'm leveling a ret pala at 0.5x xp rate and I'm having fun,I'm doing every single quest and all dungeons if i can find groups
    Now I would have loved if everyone leveled at my Pace but I also understand some people don't have much free time so the option to level faster is good for them
    I'm glad warmane made 3x available so players of all types can play and it helps keep the population high

  8. I can't agree with OP.

    Just my two cents as a player who is, in general, new to WoW. I've been actually rolling an alt at x1 (unlike OP) and while it is fun, many zones still feel too drawn out and you spend too much time on them than you should. x2 seems like a perfect choice for «immersive» questing, to allow for «guidance» as original post says. However, I've noticed the majority prefer the current x3 rate and I also enjoy it on another character while questing in a group. It's definitely not a bad choice for such realm.

  9. x3 was a mistake since its way 2 slow to play alt chars when u have a life.

  10. **** off this **** is to slow for alts.

  11. PPL who say the world is dead because its to high exp rate and dungeon finder are wrong. There are ppl everywhere you go.

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