1. Alt Tab without minimizing game


    In Blizzard WOW, if I am playing the game in full screen mode and I alt+tab/windows key out of the game, the game is still visible on my monitor while my mouse can leave the game and go to another monitor/browser.

    Is there an equivalent here in warmane? Everytime I do it the game gets completely minimezed and I can't continue to watch it while also doing something else.


  2. Use windowed fullscreen mode in video settings?

  3. Hey!

    I clicked the Windowed Mode button, the screen goes black and doesn't do anything. Upon hitting escape it returns.


  4. Add/edit following lines to config.wtf

    SET gxWindow "1"
    SET gxMaximize "1"

    Taken from "Technical Perma Black Screen after enabling Windowed Mode." after 15 seconds of googling.

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