1. Wintergrasp queue for non mbox?

    Please add more groups for wintergrasp battle, multiboxers are taking all the slots if you dont queue up second queue pops with macro.
    Many ordinary players are losing their spot and missing up on the game because of it and they dont even know whats up and why is that happening.
    It is selfish and greedy and totally ruining the game expirience.
    Please any of you admins feel free to miss up on wg queue and see how many people gets kicked out because of it.

  2. What is incredibly selfish is you wanting to go wintergrasp but not wiling to be there 15min before the battle and tackling that maccro with rage so you can participate. what you want is just be lazy get in 2 min before it begins and voila. not gonna happen. YY

  3. Make it 5 per faction it would be a slaughter fest. More hks to farm.

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