1. definitely a bit unclear on that one :X

  2. Was playing TBC on Warmane a few years back

    Ronaldregan 70 warlock undead
    Rondaregan 70 warrior orc

    I had maxed out enchanting and engineering on my lock
    and Blacksmithing/mining on warrior

    I really want to play the Wotlk on the lordareon server

    Is there any way these characters could be retrieved?

  3. Happy new years everyone !
    are the gift available for collection ? i don't see any .

  4. December 31, 23:59 - gifts from Warmane are available for collection
    it wasnt true :(

  5. Happy New Year to the Staff and all the Players, May this year be good for you all!!

  6. thanks for the gifts! Mind if I ask how long the discount code I received will last for?

  7. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!! And thank the staff for their efforts

  8. I think pvp event itself is a huge success - it's fun and working mostly smooth, but the choice of a main quest reward is awful. I mean, sure, Anzu is a very cool rare mount (well it was until this event at least), but the whole point of rare mount is that IT IS RARE. You just devalued this mount by doing this. A lot of people wasted literally months farming Sethekk Halls to get it, imagine how they feel now when like 90% of the server got it basically for free by playing few wacky mini-games. Why you didn't chose some mount that is unobtainable by any means? That would make much more sense imo...

  9. It felt so wrong to get it after I played this even just 3 times that I even deleted the mount go get a chance to obtain it properly, ffs warmane

  10. Happy new year to everybody !
    Happy new year Warmane,and long life !

  11. Cmon guys, it's a gift, stop being ungrateful..

    Happy new year!

  12. why cant u use discount code on buying gold on trad?

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