1. Arathi Basin never popping?


    What's going on with the AB que? For many nights now, I've qued 3h+ for AB and it never pops. With the abundance of R14 players you'd think every BG is full of matches 24/7, yet AB never ever pops. Am I just playing at low traffic hours or is it somehow broken, or what the hell is actually going on?

  2. whole problem is created bec of warmane for some reason deciding to give pvp gear based on honorable kills rather honor , ive done about 20 wsgs and won them all as a druid getting the flag while others trade kills in middle and ive got about 1k hks after 20 wsgs and ppl get around 1-2k hk per AV and as we all know ppl dont follow fun they follow rewards so they just go av to get easy pvp gear, im afraid to say this situation almost killed pvp scene on onyxia and if not killed at least twisted it into some disgusting kill trading boring bridge farm

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