1. No skill of pvp on this server both sides.

    Horde don't know how to single target/stun or heal

    Alli just like to do 3v1 and have to wait till you have a mob or two on you before they attack.

    I know its a pvp server, but when your new to this server and your getting griefed to where you cant do anything. Shows that the server admins don't care about enforcing anything.

  2. There are no rules against pvp, so admins don't have anything to enforce regarding that.

  3. It's a PvP server, what do you want them to do? Disable PvP completely?

    It's part of the journey, grind through it.

  4. In 2014 it was perhaps part of the fun with dynamic social interactions, but in 2024 everything is cold, nobody cares, and its all of it is a waste of time, and it just makes dungeon grinding far more appealing compared to questing. If you want to PvP, do it in arenas/BGs and make the server PvE.

  5. Look...if you made a petition to make ganking and corpse camping against server rules, I'd be one of the first to sign...but what you're talking about it just dumb. It's really not that difficult. I've gotten like 12 characters to lvl 80 despite being "griefed" and now that I'm 80 and have some gear, it is that much more satisfying when I win a fight. It's frustrating, but it's part of the deal. If you don't like it, there's always retail.

  6. people be like, level up>>gear up>>make alt>> repeat, no social interaction, making no friend, as if this is single player game and when **** interfering their chores they blame the server. thats why people dont ask for help or when they do, none cares, cz they only think about themselves, only care with anything that has benefit gear/achievement wise, but rarely social wise. i know yall probably too old to make friends online, especially on private server, but ffs u're playing mmo game, be kids again.

  7. Hahaha I'm so guilty of all that not gonna lie
    I'll find myself /spitting and **** sometimes,
    Then I gotta remind myself I wasn't like this back when this content was retail lol

    It's true though, when you're finally able to take down those shadowmourne toons even after they open on you first...feels good man

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