1. arena season are to long

    We need shorter season like in prime warmane, something like 3months its enough. Actualy season are 5/6 months, with this system people are just afk for 4month and start queing at ends of season. Actualy the arena state is miserable, nobody queing its insane

  2. We need shorter season like in prime warmane, something like 3months its enough. Actualy season are 5/6 months, with this system people are just afk for 4month and start queing at ends of season. Actualy the arena state is miserable, nobody queing its insane
    agree, it doesn't help anything... u kinda need to snipe spectate to get matched with 2,1k+ mmr ppl in SoloQ (played 1-2 weeks ago)

  3. We need shorter season like in prime warmane, something like 3months its enough. Actualy season are 5/6 months, with this system people are just afk for 4month and start queing at ends of season. Actualy the arena state is miserable, nobody queing its insane
    +1 100% agree

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