1. Warmane Catering

    I like how the in-game calendar says that DMF was in Mulgore and then magically it gets moved to elwynn by the staff because the calendar was "lying" about its location. Sounds like the staff are catering to the alliance player-base since they got "world" first BWL only 43 minutes after it was released, which is impossible to do as no guild even on retail managed to clear it that fast as the sand drop rate isnt 100%. But, hey, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

  2. Actually it was simply a bug, not a conspiracy.

  3. which is impossible to do as no guild even on retail managed to clear it that fast
    Classic guilds cleared it even faster than us, keep coping, git gud and stop spreading false info

  4. with what nax gear fully progressed servers, with people with bis and already having the sands to do chromaggus. Its obvious to anyone that raids on here that there's special treatment for infamous. There's forum posts that get taken down when you talk about these subjects.

  5. with what nax gear fully progressed servers, with people with bis and already having the sands to do chromaggus. Its obvious to anyone that raids on here that there's special treatment for infamous. There's forum posts that get taken down when you talk about these subjects.
    That's because there's already enough drama around without the need for sore losers spreading conspiracy theories.
    But here you go, yours didn't get taken down, so instead you got the treatment that's spared when we just delete them. Enjoy.

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