1. Arms or Prot PvP?


    I have a BiS fury warrior on Icecrown realm and I want to get decent at PvP for survival purposes in open world scenarios, for example if I'm running around for event objectives or I'm helping a friend with quests and I don't want to be one shotted continuously.
    That's all I'm interested in. Beside that I have no interest in PvP, be it battlegrounds, wintergrasp or whatever. But maybe I may still play them casually in future to farm honor and convert it to gems and sell them for gold.
    Does it make sense to spend some coins to get some PvP gear or considering I won't actively PvP it's not worth it?

    If yes, what would be the more viable spec for my purposes, considering I can buy gear with coins?
    I've seen both arms and prot doing casual world PvP. What would require less pieces starting from a BiS fury warrior?
    Here's what I've seen around for both specs (I listed only the pieces that I don't have):


    SET: 5 pieces Wrathful;
    TRINKET: Whispering Fanged Skull (in place of Deathbringer's Will);
    RING: Signet of Twilight (instead of the rep ring which I have);
    WRIST: Toskk's Maximized Wristguards (instead of Umbrage Armbands);


    SET: shoulder and hands T10 tank set;
    LEGS: Legplates of Painful Death (crafted) or Wrynn's Legguards of Triumph;
    FEET: Hellfrozen Bonegrinders (crafted) or Blood-Soaked Saronite Stompers;
    RING: Might of Blight (some had the rep ring instead, which I have already);
    WRIST: Toskk's Maximized Wristguards;
    BACK: Might of the Ocean Serpent (some had the Vereesa's Dexterity which I have);
    RANGED: Stakethrower (some had Fal'inrush which I have);
    WEAPON: Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings;
    SHIELD: Icecrown Glacial Wall;

    Also, I suppose that even as an Arms warrior I still need the 1H + Shield for when I swith stance, but that would be good in PvE too whenever I will want to tank for fast RDH.

    Be Arms or Prot, do I really need all of this in order to get a chance to survive and have an easier way around the open world, or can I get along with less than that?

    Thank you in advance!

  2. If you don't know how to play your character in a pvp setting, and you have no interest in learning, it doesn't matter if you buy all that gear since you will get killed anyway.

    Also, farming honor to sell gems is a complete waste of time.

  3. If you don't know how to play your character in a pvp setting, and you have no interest in learning, it doesn't matter if you buy all that gear since you will get killed anyway.

    Also, farming honor to sell gems is a complete waste of time.
    Well, thank you :D

    It's not that I have no interest in learning, rather I have no interest in playing hardcore PvP. I mean, do a lot of BGs every day, play arena to get a high rank and so on. I think with time I will learn to be decent in PvP but I get that there's super skilled people out there that played PvP for years and probably they're also smarter than me xD

    So, if you tell me that I don't get any chance against them, I will forget about PvP for now.

    About gems, thank you for letting me know that!

  4. Arms solo wpvp has a very high skill ceiling, imo

  5. Arms is easier to play, easier to gear, so start with that for sure. go full pvp gear with little here and there arp. (trinket/wrist/boots/ring necklace)

    what's wrong with selling gems from honor points ???? i get a lot of gold doing that :))

  6. That you will make more gold per hour doing... practically anything else.

  7. Yet most things is not enjoyable as doing pvp, they feel more like working than playing. Buying gems via honor is a bonus.

  8. Hello!

    I have a BiS fury warrior on Icecrown realm and I want to get decent at PvP for survival purposes in open world scenarios, for example if I'm running around for event objectives or I'm helping a friend with quests and I don't want to be one shotted continuously.
    That's all I'm interested in. Beside that I have no interest in PvP, be it battlegrounds, wintergrasp or whatever. But maybe I may still play them casually in future to farm honor and convert it to gems and sell them for gold.
    Does it make sense to spend some coins to get some PvP gear or considering I won't actively PvP it's not worth it?

    If yes, what would be the more viable spec for my purposes, considering I can buy gear with coins?
    I've seen both arms and prot doing casual world PvP. What would require less pieces starting from a BiS fury warrior?
    Here's what I've seen around for both specs (I listed only the pieces that I don't have):


    SET: 5 pieces Wrathful;
    TRINKET: Whispering Fanged Skull (in place of Deathbringer's Will);
    RING: Signet of Twilight (instead of the rep ring which I have);
    WRIST: Toskk's Maximized Wristguards (instead of Umbrage Armbands);


    SET: shoulder and hands T10 tank set;
    LEGS: Legplates of Painful Death (crafted) or Wrynn's Legguards of Triumph;
    FEET: Hellfrozen Bonegrinders (crafted) or Blood-Soaked Saronite Stompers;
    RING: Might of Blight (some had the rep ring instead, which I have already);
    WRIST: Toskk's Maximized Wristguards;
    BACK: Might of the Ocean Serpent (some had the Vereesa's Dexterity which I have);
    RANGED: Stakethrower (some had Fal'inrush which I have);
    WEAPON: Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings;
    SHIELD: Icecrown Glacial Wall;

    Also, I suppose that even as an Arms warrior I still need the 1H + Shield for when I swith stance, but that would be good in PvE too whenever I will want to tank for fast RDH.

    Be Arms or Prot, do I really need all of this in order to get a chance to survive and have an easier way around the open world, or can I get along with less than that?

    Thank you in advance!
    i'd roll punchbag survival prot becz its simplicity, no weapon swap, no stance dance, full prot stance 24/7, with shield wall glyph for short cd, where u take blood craze on fury talent instead of impale, the gear would be focus on getting 1414 minimum resil with atleast coroded key and then full stamina, so u can 'rotate' the def cds effectively. u will deal zero damage, but the idea is to give a long annoying fight when ganker comes to u (u can still kill rogues in this build).
    u can tank elites and dungeons well and deal enough dmg to help your friend, also quick rdf pop for your daily reward.
    as for bg and wg, your gonna be a dmg soaker cc machine and let others do the killing job.
    but u might avoid serious arena with this build for obvious reason, so thats where your might wanna spend coins for those arena pieces. mainly head and shoulder, u can use the furious ones from vote points for the weapon and the shield if u doubt to buy the wf ones cz the total resil diff is about 50ish. i mean, u can use the available honor pieces to try it first, so u can switch back to "kill before get killed" arm/prot build just incase it doesnt suit your taste.

  9. Thank you everyone for the helpful replies!

    Originally Posted by morvion
    i'd roll punchbag survival prot becz its simplicity
    Do you have some example, maybe from armory, to link for? Thank you in advance!

  10. Do you have some example, maybe from armory, to link for? Thank you in advance!
    i can only give u the talent and glyphs build, here https://wotlk.evowow.com/?talent#LV0...fbIzsGo:TNLMoz
    as for gears, i strongly suggest to try it first with all the available furious/vote points gears or relentless set and all the honor off pieces before u spend any coin. cz this build is more like support warrior than a killer warrior, so its not for everyone.
    your main focus should be, 5-6% hit, then 1414 resil, coroded key, and then stamina.
    u can relocate points from damage shield, sword n board, or one-handed spec talent for improved bloodrage and/or puncture since u're not gonna do the dmg, but i prefer keep sword n board cz i love dispelling people's buffs with shield slam aside from being cc monster.
    Edited: February 9, 2024 Reason: added talent pts relocation suggestion

  11. i'd roll punchbag survival prot becz its simplicity, no weapon swap, no stance dance, full prot stance 24/7, with shield wall glyph for short cd, where u take blood craze on fury talent instead of impale, the gear would be focus on getting 1414 minimum resil with atleast coroded key and then full stamina, so u can 'rotate' the def cds effectively. u will deal zero damage, but the idea is to give a long annoying fight when ganker comes to u (u can still kill rogues in this build).
    u can tank elites and dungeons well and deal enough dmg to help your friend, also quick rdf pop for your daily reward.
    as for bg and wg, your gonna be a dmg soaker cc machine and let others do the killing job.
    but u might avoid serious arena with this build for obvious reason, so thats where your might wanna spend coins for those arena pieces. mainly head and shoulder, u can use the furious ones from vote points for the weapon and the shield if u doubt to buy the wf ones cz the total resil diff is about 50ish. i mean, u can use the available honor pieces to try it first, so u can switch back to "kill before get killed" arm/prot build just incase it doesnt suit your taste.
    Any serious rogue will 2 shot u even with 1400 rez and full stamina gems. no dmg as prot means no efficiency. blood craze litteraly useless if prot. you already should have last stand. try it on blackrock, this way you don't lose your time and money for this build

  12. Tbh punchbag is boring af, just go full dmg with arp cap + bv cap.
    This is my setup: https://prnt.sc/0M_3jHVRdA5e
    I don't switch weapons and I usually don't even bother to switch stances, I play this purely for bg fun. And it is not as squishy as ppl say, when you have all your cd's it takes a pretty long time for most classes to kill you 1v1.

  13. Any serious rogue will 2 shot u even with 1400 rez and full stamina gems. no dmg as prot means no efficiency. blood craze litteraly useless if prot. you already should have last stand. try it on blackrock, this way you don't lose your time and money for this build
    first of all, what the op wants is not serious pvp, heck he even said he has no interest in it and wont be active in pvp. bear in mind and consider the op might have little knowledge doing arm-pvp playstyle which requires u to stancedance alot, watch enemy castbars, weapon swaps, etc. so dont compare my suggestion with serious scenarios where requires him to do serious in pvp. secondly, no serious rogue wanders around ganking questing people in openworld.
    im not comparing which one is better between arms and prot in pvp, arms is obviously better if u're dedicated your gaming solely to pvp, its no brainer, im just giving him another solution that might suit his needs considering his friends might also need him to tank mobs like ring of blood/amphitheater or even do dungeons too, so prot might come in handy.
    in the hand of casuals, even bis geared arms warrior will just die waaay faster to any class in wpvp, no to mention he wants to help his friends too and thats not what the op wants as he clearly stated on his first post.
    Edited: February 21, 2024

  14. Arms has about 80% the damage of prot and has mortal strike which is a massive deal, but easier to CC and is quite clunky/awkward to play. To prevent getting one shotted as prot you just need to stay awake, be ready to hit that shield wall, and just do prot things. Just stay defensive stance, don't switch unless for recklessness. Most things will die. Ones that won't are healing classes like priests with 1,4k resi that kite & hide. Things you cannot kill as prot you can kill as arms. Arp prot is easier to try because you can get a taste of what it's like with 70% arp gear you can get from auction house + emblem gear + dungeon gear. Arms is great, I like arms equally, but prot is definitely simpler. If you go for high resi low damage, then you'll just...survive, not kill. Rogues will die sure, but everything else won't. If you want to be tanky as arp prot I'd rather enchant stamina on some stuff, wear a mish mash of some pvp gear, with corroded skeleton trinket to get 70% arp but with 40k hp if you're tauren with commanding shout. 38500 hp as everything else.

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