1. addon button does not appear

    the addons button in the character selection does not appear.
    my folder is not read-only, the path is WOW/interface/AddOns/"the name of the addons", the files are no in zip format. I really need help...

    le bouton addons dans la sélection du personnage n'apparait pas.
    mon dossier n'est pas en lecture seulement, le chemin est WOW/interface/AddOns/"le nom de l'addons", les fichier ne sont plus sous format zip. j'ai vraiment besoins d'aide ...

  2. Are the addons for WotLK 3.3.5? If they are for 3.4.x, get ones for 3.3.5

    Go to your WoW/Interface/AddOns/ -folder, and check if the AddOns are packed within an extra folder. This is usually the issue when AddOns aren't showing up, despite being for the correct WoW version, and installed within the right folder.

    E.g. the addon might be installed like this:

    When the addon should be installed like this:

    Spoiler: Show

  3. the addons are not in an additional folder as said above. my file is identical to my friend but my addons button does not appear in the character selection while he does

  4. I've got the same issue, if it's supposed to appear.

  5. I've got the same issue, if it's supposed to appear.
    Try opening the game with the original wow.exe , I mean don't use shortcut. At least for me that was the problem and it actually took me a ton of time to discover it. Hope that helps.

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