1. Hotkeynet SHIFT+BUTTON better broadcast

    Hello. Please help someone who knows hotkeynet commands better.

    I have rapid fire set up on a multibox of druids: when I press SHIFT+F they use typhoon, and every time I press SHIFT+F the next druid has to use typhoon. This is achieved with a simple macro like "/castsequence reset=20 ,Typhoon,," for second toon.

    And, although Hotkeynet can register pressing SHIFT+F, if I hold SHIFT for even one second, it will only broadcast F.

    This means that even though I use SHIFT+F I will only get one, at best two typhoon. Not cool.

    Is there a way to HOLD SHIFT and then press F to send SHIFT+F the way the game sees it? WoW itself fully sees HOLD shift.

  2. Options > Send Mode Settings > (remove) Clear modifiers before executing hotkey. You can also lookup toggles for hotkeynet for casting the typhoons 1 by 1.

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