1. Sounds like you wanted to join a guild where they do some specific stuff.
    Actually I just wanted to do raid, so I joined a "progressive" guild, got Kingslayer-title on two characters and that's how it could have continued...

    Then I noticed some weird stuff here and there. First of all there was the usual inner circle. They pretty much raided every night with multiple characters in multiple guilds. That's not unusual per se. Not unusual is also that they all play paladins. Unusual is that they multiple paladin accounts. The guild leader for instance has a full-bis paladin which he isn't playing. He has his normal paladin that he plays the raids with and another paladin twink that he is currently gearing up. They all have multiple accounts either on the shelf or currently in the works. They are very focussed on collecting primals, which is the shadow money on Warmane, because it doesn't get squished. They are also playing the auction house game a lot, even though their characters don't really need anything. And last but not least, they all come from poor countries in eastern Europe where $500 - what bis-chars used to go for - equals the salary of half a year. So I guess, I joined some sort of company and apparently I only made the "employee of the month" in the beginning when we went from 10/12 to 12/12 + 6hc. After that I apparently became expendable. Since my classes were competing on Int/Haste items with their paladins and - even worse - on heroic emblems, it kinda went south pretty fast, but that's just one possible explanation of course. It would fit the pattern, but esentially they made me leave.

    For me WoW is some sort of challenge, like sports. I don't want to be part of someone's business model, especially I don't want to work in a sweatshop.

    P.S.: Why do paladins have the highest potential? They got three viable specs and the ability to wield Shadowmourne. Paladin is the best "investment".

  2. But wait, there is more!

    1. Why do you need 3 paladin accounts? You want one account for every spec, because gearing dual-spec on one account is wasting market value.

    2. Why do you run ICC-10 with 6k characters who don't need anything? You do it for Frosties and the occasional Primals. Achievements also have value.

    3. Why run RS25 when you got everything? You get 5 Frosties and obviously only pick raids where trinkets are reserved (30+10) and the primals get rolled.

    4. Last but not least, why do you buy a bis-retry paladin* that you don't even play on raids? You wanted to flip the account for profit, but your timing was off.

    Such are the questions you have to ask when joining guilds with "high fluctuation". These guys aren't online for 18 hours every day because they love WotLK.

    * I forgot to mention that his bis-paladin is bought.

  3. Damn, we need an edit-function! Of course you only get the 5 frosties from RS25 once. You do it to win rolls on the payment-primals.

  4. Let me guess, they have paladin tanks.
    There is completely logical and practical explanation - they have to tank all those 11 ICCs every week, because all the new tanks that join lack experience, at best, so they do "OT stuff" and get used to it. That's the good ending, but it rarely is so, usual story is big epenis pro tank bis daddy cant do ****, gets onneshotted, cant coordinate, lacks understanding of his class and encounters, but sure talks a lot. That's why core members have a bunch of same characters, they can't be bothered to deal with it anymore, so they do it themselves.

    That aside, maybe there is some huge scheme where poor eastern european family can live for half a year off of one bis tank. Who knows.

  5. Actually they play only one spec per characters. So the other palas are holy or retry. If they need to tank, they log on their DKs.

    About the business thing, I don't know. It all fits a pattern, but mostly for the guild leader. He is online 18 hours every day, raids 3 times per day and farms primals in his "free time". Currently - while I am writing this - he is playing his DK in ICC (just checked). Two nights ago, when too many buddies apparently had ID, he staged a Naxx-transmog-Pug where stuff from two quarters was advertised for 20 primals each. This guy isn't playing a game, he is working. In fact he is working like a dog pulling additional shifts. He has a familiy with children, so I guess he has to. How he is transforming all of this into real money is his secret.

  6. That has nothing to do with anything, make a report with your evidence and forget about it.

  7. That has nothing to do with anything, make a report with your evidence and forget about it.
    There is no evidence, there is just coincidence. It's not about reporting people to get them banned, it's about understanding what is going on.
    If you are actively looking for players who are working on Lordaeron instead of playing, you can compile a list of usual suspects rather fast.

  8. There is no evidence, there is just coincidence. It's not about reporting people to get them banned, it's about understanding what is going on.
    Do you actually need to understand anything that some random does in a game? What they do is their business and as long as they're not breaking server's rules, there's no need to intervene for whatever reason.

    If you are actively looking for players who are working on Lordaeron instead of playing, you can compile a list of usual suspects rather fast.
    People play games differently, nothing wrong with that. Nothing new either.

    Back on OP's topic though..

    The 5.2 to 5.8k GS gap is most frustrating experiences when you have no guild, and you're kinda new on the game/server. ToC is notorious with asinine GS requirements. I'd only try to nab achievements from ToC10/25 and forget going there for the loot. Aim for any kind of ICC 10/25 run you can get into. Your best luck is after weekend alt/short runs before resets. Before you try to join ICC without knowledge, watch a video or two. If they want an achievement, link your ToC 10/25 one. It's better than no achievement. Work on your GS while trying to look for a guild that's a good fit for you.

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