1. I did meant to butt in any longer since i got a hint of denial to be hones yet: How on earth did this derail into a "buh hoo healers and tanks are scarce big oof"?
    I just stated that i went through the RFD for the ENTIRETY of the leveling process up until cap since as a tank/healer since i simply despise questing in this game. What do you know, thanks to the x3, RFD and 3.3.5 QoL client i got through the boredom and got my char up to cap lvl for the first time since vanilla.

    « I don't think this Forum has ever had a more tourist post than "the PvE in the Vanilla server is dead because of long RDF queues." »

    This is naive. Yes it absolutely is a deterrance to play here. I've always played the jack-of-all-trades class, in all games i have a neck for utility/versatiliy, not really fan of dps chart pumping. I too have played in other wow realms, so i'm used to isnta queues when going tank/healer. Guess what others are too. Also the hardcore dpsers also notice "wait a minute, so we have a tank and a healer, why is it taking so long? I smell dead pop"
    Vanilla is undiputed king of interest in private servers, many do strive. You know what isn't - TBC servers. Do have these server red flags and let's see how the TBC "draught" goes.

    While haveing all the time in the world to write this post, i just looked my clock on 18minutes on my lvl 28 pally - you know the other dude who can tank/dps/heal. Frickin sit idle and look at the chat. Several posts come up ppl begging to joins from players in plenty of brackets. Stop dismissing my 2 days spent on the game + alt as anecdotal or tourist like. Now i'll try this last attempt since i'm really enjoying the server and would love to have more ppl coming in and not having a bad impression "peeking at the window": imagine a toddler and you tell him, look you can play with all the toys of the shelve (faction) you pick, but then you can't play with the toys on the other shelve, even a toddler would understand that's mean. If you want to pull the "no-changes" card, or the "killing the spirit of vanilla" motto go ahead now don't come talking about mathematical oxymorons and stop overengineering a simple concept: more players = more groups being formed!!! Or let's stop hypocrisy and make AH separate again i dare you.
    Have you ever considered that you might not enjoy World of Warcraft

  2. « I don't think this Forum has ever had a more tourist post than "the PvE in the Vanilla server is dead because of long RDF queues." »
    That reply wasn't at you, but I guess you proved it also applies in the end...

    This is naive. Yes it absolutely is a deterrance to play here. I've always played the jack-of-all-trades class, in all games i have a neck for utility/versatiliy, not really fan of dps chart pumping. I too have played in other wow realms, so i'm used to isnta queues when going tank/healer. Guess what others are too. Also the hardcore dpsers also notice "wait a minute, so we have a tank and a healer, why is it taking so long? I smell dead pop"
    ... And this is why... Onyxia is a server on Vanilla content. You know what Vanilla never had? RDF. Playing without any RDF is how the content was meant to be played originally. We added it for convenience, but the non-tourist mindset would be to do it the Vanilla way if RDF isn't forming parties fast enough for your liking.

    imagine a toddler and you tell him, look you can play with all the toys of the shelve (faction) you pick, but then you can't play with the toys on the other shelve, even a toddler would understand that's mean
    You sure you want to use a toddler as an example? Really? Anyway, that sounds like a normal scenario. Toddlers shouldn't have everything, it's a good starting point for learning that about life.

  3. « Have you ever considered that you might not enjoy World of Warcraft »

    Let me give you a hand:
    - i don't collect mounts or god-forbid pets; couldn't care less with the looks of my character; will quest for the bare minimum with no enjoyment just to "get it done"; will do achievements if it means doing a fight differently; not too fond of PVP but will absolutely do it with the right people; don't RP with my char naked in goldshire and don't take part in the barrens chat either; won't farm gold if there's nothing really to improve in my character; don't like cats; don't recycle specially in my country.

    Just listed all the things that have no bearing in my point. Care to discuss ideas and not attack the individual? With the amount of lines i've written, this is what i get?!

    « ... And this is why... Onyxia is a server on Vanilla content. You know what Vanilla never had? RDF. Playing without any RDF is how the content was meant to be played originally. We added it for convenience, but the non-tourist mindset would be to do it the Vanilla way if RDF isn't forming parties fast enough for your liking. »
    « You sure you want to use a toddler as an example? Really? Anyway, that sounds like a normal scenario. Toddlers shouldn't have everything, it's a good starting point for learning that about life. »

    I can bang these two at once. It's called an analogy and to hammer it down here's one even bettter: on the previous quote, you sound like a care salesman: "the windows don't work. -Son back in my day we use to operate windows by turning on a nob". Like i mentioned, i never got around to reach level cap in vanilla, i'd just give up out of boredom for several reasons (mob grinding, questing, getting-to-dungeon-walking-simulator) and Warmane's Onixya gave me this. You think i post this to grief/troll/annoy. I just think this realm has the right ingredients for my taste and am seriously commited to see it thrive.

    Thought my input could make a difference, guess the joke is on me in the end...

  4. Tank Lvl 29 at peak hours WHILE having a lvl 26 healer, we quit after the 17 minute mark.
    You're scaring off people. MERGE THEM!!! Cross faction for the salvation, implement that yesterday would be a good time.

  5. More efficient to quest at that level I think.

  6. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Most efficient is to quest while in RDF. Especially since it takes so long for que to pop.
    Edited: 4 Weeks Ago

  7. 4 Weeks Ago  
    You two are missing the point that he hates 95% of what World of Warcraft is about, including questing, and he wants the server to bend backwards instead.

  8. 4 Weeks Ago  
    alliance have access to more tank + heal because of paladin...

    if rdf was crossfaction it would be a good thing for leveling through dungeons.

    I have been playing a week and had 3 dungeons been queued for 20+ hours in that time easy... rarely getting a pop as a healer or tank.. on horde.

    we need tbc prepatch or rdf crossfaction now gogogo :)))

  9. 4 Weeks Ago  
    I already made my peace in that logic won't get me nowhere. Still it's just to obnoxious not to address it. How can someone's brain work in accessing, "pfff that argument has no value, you don't even own 10 different mounts!?". So, dungeons, raids and the odd PVP equates to 5% of content, well as long as we're being precise... Still don't see how this gets any bearing whatsoever on the validity of the point, the server "bend over backwards" for me is it!?
    Was that the reasoning for the auction house being cross faction?
    Let me apply the same logic, or better yet the lack there of:
    [cross faction on AH it's a terrible idea! You will have double the posts but also double the customers. So if there's scarcity of items, that will only increase, because we are very mathematically precise and don't engage in mathematical oxymorons.]

    I also like to add that the match making for finding is probably flawed, since I've tried do group up and it shows the last DPS spot left unfilled. I group up with a guildie, who wasn't queuing, same lack of role, so I believe that's not showing the group composition properly.
    Yet again, nothing to do with the absolutely undisputed and undeniable fact, that allowing gross faction dungeoning would improve the quality of RDF for EVERYONE!
    OR I'll wait for the auction house to be faction specific, so we can keep some form of logic and reasoning.

  10. 4 Weeks Ago  
    allowing gross faction dungeoning would improve the quality of RDF for EVERYONE!
    Gross faction? Horde is already allowed to do dungeons fine, so... problem solved?

    That aside, since you already made peace with ignoring the wise advice other players have provided, and this thread became little more than "dear diary, today I didn't want to quest like everyone else and RDF was slow again," I'll be closing it. If this is ever implemented you will surely notice.

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