1. Regarding the excessive refreshing of information on the global channel

    Icecrown Could you please clean up the rules for the global channel? Currently, the global channel is inundated with various recruitment and trading information. Genuine team-up messages are easily drowned out by these recruitment and trading posts, forcing me to block these spamming users. However, I'm also concerned that by blocking them, they might miss out on other useful information. Therefore, I suggest that the global channel should not allow the posting of recruitment or trading information. Additionally, there should be restrictions on the interval between each message sent. If there is a demand for recruitment or trading information, a separate channel can be created for that purpose!

  2. The global channel doesn't have any intended discussion topic, it's meant for all discussions or ads within our rules. There are addons to scrape chat messages for group ads but we're not going to police in-game chat to make sure people use the existing LF channels.

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