1. Ninja looting question

    I asked this question in a mail to [email protected] but their answer was horrible and they didn't answer 90% of my question

    1)Can't wiping raid be a reason for kick? ( Im not telling about several mistakes of whole raid.im talking about mistake of ONE person that lead to raid wipe because he lied and clearly didn't know mechanics)

    2)Why afking can't be aswell a kick reason? For a long time at least without telling me that they are going afk? (GM answered me that i cant kick people if they are afk even for 20 minutes lol????)

    3)Also there was a case when some rogue specially killed whole raid on sindragosa by ice globing everybody,and he admitted it was for fun
    Can he get banned for trolling, and kicking him also is considered as ninja looting??

    4) Also can anybody suggest bis list site/source that he uses during raid and etc. And also how can i announce that rolling items will consider bis list like
    BIS LIST FROM THIS SITE: www.... ? can i publish site with bis list in game or its forbidden

    5) And last question. There was a warrior with [Frostbrood Sapphire Ring] 277 ILVL considered BIS for him and in RS 25 He rolls and wins [Signet of Twilight] that is considered a BIS for rogue but not for FWAR and moreover its 271 ILVL . Will it be considered ninja looting if i give it to Rogue(was 2nd roll after fwar) and not to FWAR

  2. Support, who you contact with that email, aren't GMs. They review ban appeals, but they aren't the ones who give the bans and don't decide what is bannable or not, they just make the call to give players with a good track record a second chance.

    If you want answers about how GMs handle in-game things, ask the GMs. Which you apparently already have, going by your item 2, so I'm not sure what you're looking for here. The chances a GM will come answer are minimal, their work is inside the game. Players and Moderators might say how it works for obvious things, such as how the rules stated here are the only ones beyond raid rules set by the raid leader, but things you are asking would for the most part be personal opinions that might not reflect how the GMs see it.

  3. You can't have a 1-on-1 with a GM, unless one initiates it by meeting you in-game or the like, if that's what you're asking.
    The way you contact GMs is via in-game tickets. You can try a PM on the Forum, but they aren't expected to reply in a timely manner.

  4. I asked this question in a mail to [email protected] but their answer was horrible and they didn't answer 90% of my question

    1)Can't wiping raid be a reason for kick? ( Im not telling about several mistakes of whole raid.im talking about mistake of ONE person that lead to raid wipe because he lied and clearly didn't know mechanics)

    2)Why afking can't be aswell a kick reason? For a long time at least without telling me that they are going afk? (GM answered me that i cant kick people if they are afk even for 20 minutes lol????)

    3)Also there was a case when some rogue specially killed whole raid on sindragosa by ice globing everybody,and he admitted it was for fun
    Can he get banned for trolling, and kicking him also is considered as ninja looting??

    4) Also can anybody suggest bis list site/source that he uses during raid and etc. And also how can i announce that rolling items will consider bis list like
    BIS LIST FROM THIS SITE: www.... ? can i publish site with bis list in game or its forbidden

    5) And last question. There was a warrior with [Frostbrood Sapphire Ring] 277 ILVL considered BIS for him and in RS 25 He rolls and wins [Signet of Twilight] that is considered a BIS for rogue but not for FWAR and moreover its 271 ILVL . Will it be considered ninja looting if i give it to Rogue(was 2nd roll after fwar) and not to FWAR

    1. Add a rule to your raid: Causing raid wipe may result in removing the player. Do note you have to roll items they are eligible for before removal. Kicking a player and not rolling items prior to kick by default is considered ninja looting.

    2. If you think that "AFK timer" is too long, make a specific rule to your raid where you allow AFK with notice up to XX mins.

    3. You can't loot ban players if loot bans weren't part of raid rules prior to pulling the 1st boss. Deciding to give loot bans in middle of raid is considered changing loot rules mid raid. Which, by default, is considered ninja looting. Loot bans are often only for the bosses they were given for. You can't just go "loot banned for all eternity".

    4. I don't think you can force players to follow some BiS lists from websites that can be edited at any given time. GM might have different opinion.

    5. BiS items are BiS once you have the whole set. Some BiS items may perform worse if you don't have the required stats for them. If the warrior lacks hit rating, that Signet of Twilight might be improvement over the "BiS" ring. No, 271 ilvl Signet of Twilight isn't BiS for rogue, it's not BiS for anybody. The 284 ilvl version on the other hand is BiS for some classes/specs.

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