1. How tf you find a raid group at 5.1k gs (serious, no rant)

    Title. Serious question (not just ranting). My first character ever, 5.1k gs - all possible upgrades for emblems of triumph, grinded the heroics to the point where there is nothing to upgrade in gear. Full gemmed and enchanted, got tailoring. That got me 5.1k gs and at this point Im kinda lost. Any advice?

  2. Hi mate been a while since I played properly here or posted but I think I can help a little, the best way forward for you now is to go icc rep farms for the ring and then focus on daily heroic for frost emblem, then you might not like it but its probably best to form your own pug group for first 4 bosses in icc10n and maybe further.. stating alts welcome and you're new etc you will be surprised by how many helpful people will turn up!

    Edit* There is also the Trial of the Crusader raid, on 25man mode it gives nice loot thats also put you past 5.1k gs, especially if you can do 25hc too.

    Thats just from memory of when I was in your position like 5 years ago :)

    Hope it helps.
    Edited: March 29, 2024

  3. The 5.2 to 5.8k GS gap is most frustrating experiences when you have no guild, and you're kinda new on the game/server. ToC is notorious with asinine GS requirements. I'd only try to nab achievements from ToC10/25 and forget going there for the loot. Aim for any kind of ICC 10/25 run you can get into. Your best luck is after weekend alt/short runs before resets. Before you try to join ICC without knowledge, watch a video or two. If they want an achievement, link your ToC 10/25 one. It's better than no achievement. Work on your GS while trying to look for a guild that's a good fit for you.
    Taken from another similar topic.

    There is also the Trial of the Crusader raid, on 25man mode it gives nice loot thats also put you past 5.1k gs, especially if you can do 25hc too.
    PUG's would require 5.4 minimum to ToC 25 N. That "low" GS requirement isn't even common. Forget 10HC and 25HC, both would want 5.8k at minimum.

    I'd revisit FoS/PoS/HoR HC drop tables for potential upgrades. ICC BoE or two might be in order. Don't stop trying to join raids though, sometimes they post 5.4k as requirement, but might take you since you're all gemmed and enchanted.

  4. Keep farming rdf hc, weeklies for frost emblems, buy tier sets, if possible get upgrades from vote shop. Find guild or make ur own raids is your best shop

  5. I highly appreciate the answers. To be fair, if I got no answer or just toxic ones here on forum, I would've probably left the game soon. Now that it's acknowledged that I'm in a grindy spot and not just doing something wrong, I'll try to work through it, hopefully that will be somewhat enjoyable experience lol.

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