1. My characters are gone

    Hello, I used to play on Lordaeron but didn't log into the game for a few months. When I came back I saw in the list of servers that I have 6 characters on Lordearon but when I clicked on server to get into characters list, none were visible. So I created a new one to see if maybe there would be a number increased by 1, i.e. 7. Unfortunately to my surprise the new number on the server list at Lordaeron was 1.
    Can you explain to me what exactly happened to my characters? I will add that several of them were above 30lvl and one was close to 50lvl.

  2. I think it's really not fair not to send any mail notification about such actions. This is just a game and there are some people that play on this server for couple of months, grinding a lot and then just stop playing but then after some time they come back.

  3. I think it's really not fair not to send any mail notification about such actions. This is just a game and there are some people that play on this server for couple of months, grinding a lot and then just stop playing but then after some time they come back.
    I wouldn't say it's grinding a lot if you didn't reach level 51 before July 2023, or even after it for 6 months (and not touching the said character at all).

    You played for less than a month and moved away. Kinda sign of just giving something a try, and then abandoning it. If you moved to Icecrown or another Warmane's realms, you should've seen in-game mentions of gold squish.

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