1. 4 Weeks Ago  

    How can a reported hardcore ninja looter still be plaing?

    I was in ICC 25 on 9th april. Our lead kept all items and wanted to roll them later, so people dont leave earlier.

    After 8 bosses he started failing massively as maintank but we just managed to kill 9 bosses. After that he just started to wipe us by pulling 3+ trash groups at once and not reacting to any massages of players. Then he just disbanded the group without rolling any items. So he just kept all the boss loot + all boe items/saronite.

    Everyone in the raid was super pissed and wanted to report that player, so did I(I also sent pictures of chat and how he disbanded the group in the ticket). 2 days later I got repsonse from GM that they are investigating the player.

    How can he still be playing after such behavior? He was online and got achivements 1 and 2 days ago...

    I am really disappointed that this kind of ninja looting obviously has no consequences =(

  2. 4 Weeks Ago  
    If the evidence in the report doesn't meet the bare minimum required by the GMs in the guideline, it likely gets dismissed.
    I'm not saying that's what happened in this case, I don't know and won't go find out about this case, but that's the most common answer to why someone doesn't get any punishment after getting reported.

  3. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Shouldnt the GMs ask for more/better evidence in that case? I sent many pictures and even the raid ID. I mean there were 24 players in the raid of which a minimum of 10-15 wanted to report him with proof. Shouldnt that be enough? Can't they just read the server logs to see what items he received and what he did with them(like disenchanting, putting into auction house etc.)?

  4. 4 Weeks Ago  
    As far as I know they will ask for more if they need clarification on something. Meeting the bare minimum in the guidelines is on the player reporting.

    The amount of people reporting doesn't matter if all reports don't have even the minimum evidence.

    No, GMs won't go after server logs in cases players aren't able to provide even the minimum required.

  5. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Well okay. I will just hope that GMs might need some more time and I will keep checking if he is still playing.

    If he keeps playing, I see no reason to support warmane with € anymore, since its killing all the fun of the game if players act like that without any consequences and can even make tons of money with the ninjaed items.

    (I have family with 2 childs and mostly play on evenings at changing times so I will not be able to raid with guilds that much - before people tell me to do guild raids)

  6. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Well okay. I will just hope that GMs might need some more time and I will keep checking if he is still playing.

    If he keeps playing, I see no reason to support warmane with € anymore, since its killing all the fun of the game if players act like that without any consequences and can even make tons of money with the ninjaed items.

    (I have family with 2 childs and mostly play on evenings at changing times so I will not be able to raid with guilds that much - before people tell me to do guild raids)
    Stop acting like a child, "i see no reason to support warmane with money anymore". They will live without you, threating them wont make them ban that guy and after that i really do hope they dont do anything. If he is still playing it means either not enough evidence or he didnt do anything. Unless he got 20 primos and chokers, he wont make any gold at all, speaking of which he might said that boes and primos are reserved.

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