Hello, Warmane community!

I'm excited to share a tool I've been working on that I believe can significantly improve the way we manage guilds in World of Warcraft. It's called Jokers, and it's designed to automate some of the most tedious parts of guild management: advertising, replying, and inviting.

Key Features of Jokers:

Automated Advertising: Set your recruitment message to automatically broadcast in specified channels at intervals you define.
Auto-Reply: Automatically respond to whispers with a customizable message, making sure no potential guild member goes unnoticed.
Auto-Invite: Set trigger phrases to automatically invite players who express interest in joining.
Blacklist Functionality: Avoid spam by ensuring that players who have already been contacted aren't bothered again.
Debug Mode: Useful for troubleshooting and ensuring the addon runs smoothly.

Getting Started:
Jokers is very easy to set up and use. You can customize your settings directly through in-game slash commands for immediate adjustments based on your current needs.

Find Out More:
To get a detailed overview of all the features, installation instructions, and usage examples, visit the GitHub page:

Download and Contribution:
You can download the latest version of the addon from the GitHub page. If you have suggestions for improvements or have identified bugs, please feel free to contribute or open an issue on the repository.

Thank you for checking out Jokers, and I hope it makes your WoW experience even better. Looking forward to your feedback and any stories about how it helps manage your guild!