1. Walking home from a bar one night I actually stopped, looked behind me, and wondered where that damned gorilla had gone now.

  2. I would still cast holy spells as a shadow priest...

  3. i host raids higher gearscore than mine, until i get 5k+ (In WotLK)

  4. When i first started wow, i bought the wrong gear for my ret paladin -guess... yes! I played as a ret with int gear :)) man i was a newbie back then.
    But shhh, thats our secret ;)

    Caddyz ♧

  5. I Played From The Burning Crusade to Cata Not Understanding a Single Thing After Taking 2 Years to Cap to 85 . . . . . . And then i Got Hacked
    Edited: August 9, 2015

  6. Yup. Did the same thing on my Rogue. Had no idea what skill points were so I thought I'd be smart and save up for an expensive offered later. I also thought I had to do every quest in a zone thinking once I left they wouldn't be available later. Ready for the best part...I bought white gear/weapons from vendors up to level 30.

    Friend came over one day and almost smacked me. After that, the game was different.

  7. My first char was nelf druid on TBC. I also tried speaking with NPC, swimming the ocean etc..Thought I have to finish every quest before leaving area. Got stuck at one red quest with tons of mobs in a cave that i tried killing with my stuff -auto attacks. I had no idea about food so I just waited my health to recover hiding behind some rocks but mobs kept re-spawning and i kept dying for 2 days.. After that, I discovered spell book and 'somehow' I ended up in Moonglade. I remember being soo exited about new cool looking place so went running across a bridge and then all of the sudden I heard some 'lightning' sound or something and boom I was dead! I had no idea what happened and took me a while to figure out god-like huge Tauren with skull mark. 6 years later I still feel uncomfortable crossing that bridge

  8. I don't use addons (except for gearscore).


  9. Yup. Did the same thing on my Rogue. Had no idea what skill points were so I thought I'd be smart and save up for an expensive offered later. I also thought I had to do every quest in a zone thinking once I left they wouldn't be available later. Ready for the best part...I bought white gear/weapons from vendors up to level 30.

    Friend came over one day and almost smacked me. After that, the game was different.

    I don't use addons (except for gearscore).

    I do that whenever I return to WoW. But it doesn't work for long. First minimalistic and then heavily customized.

  10. Ok I have a few. I've been playing wow for over 3 years now and still can't play with keybinds (yes I'm a clicker and I like it!) I have tried keybinds before but never got the hang of it. I also sometimes just logon and go to the Argent tournament grounds/Storm Peaks or Grizzly Hills and just sat there for hours listening to the music (Grizzly Hills music is by far my fav). Also when I started wow with my friend he played protec pala and I was ret. We went rdf and he said he needed to tank since he was protec and I raged and said: ''bs why don't I ever get a chance to tank since I have heavy armor'' he then said it's bec I'm not a tank. I raged at him and thought he was lying only to later on learn when he was done with wow that he was right... I felt like a huge *****! When I started rolling holy pala, I had the spec and talents but not the gear for it. I went to bg's like that and ofc my heals were pathetic so I asked a well known holy pala on my server wtf is going on. He told me my gear needs intel and sp. After that I got better gear and figured it out from there.
    Edited: August 11, 2015

  11. I level up fishing on all my chars.

    I used to think the rogue ability "kick" is just.... kick, so I would use it on cooldown.

    I am afraid of tanking dungeons, because (among other reasons) I am afraid I will get lost. (even in dungs I've done many times before).

    I always get lost in caves.

    I went to Blood Elf starting zone as 20 lvl free retail toon, because I wanted to get reputation with Silvermoon. Wouln'd be so strange, if not the fact that I am a Draenei. (didn't know about the two factions thing, I just wanted to get exalted wit hall the races including Horde ones.)

    I used to think Ghost wolf shaman form makes you invisible just like druid cat form (I learned in the bgs that it's not the case).

  12. still using my scroll button for auto-run. never used movement keys. and its been like 6 years...

  13. I am always nervous while i am going icc25 hc or rs25nm-25hc...also...during the time of stress i always say the WORST jokes.

    I want my items in bank and in my inventory tiedied up...i have spent about 1 hour to put the items where i want on each of my chars

    3years ago, when i first started wow, i already knew some things because my bro was playing and i was watching him....anyway, the first class i made was a blef hunter, i loved running with my new char so, i had explored all ghostlands and everson woods.in 2 days ;))... I was stack in sime mountains in everson woods about 3 hours xD

  14. i stayed in Redridge Mountains till lvl 24

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