Here's a small guide for people who do occasional random BG's (battleground) and looking for a specific battleground. The purpose of looking for a specific battleground can be various:

1) You want to complete achievements in specific battleground, but when you queue, you always get the battleground you don't need.
2) Your side might loosing a lot in this battleground (for example, horde quite dominates in Alterac Valley @ Neltharion)

So any ways, what ever you reason is, here's a very simple guide how to predict random battleground:

Step1: Create 5 individual macros.

1) Type /macro in-game. This will bring up small window on your screen.

2) Click on "new"

3) Pick a name. Name can be completely random. You choose. Pick an icon for you likes.

4) hit okay.

5) Now navigate to the icon/name you have just created

6) In the text box, type the following:

/who z-"Warsong" 77-83

7) Now drag this macro on your spell bar. After you successfully moved it, press it. This should be the following window.

A little bit in-depth information of what we have just done:

First, we created a new macro. Than, using a basic World of Warcraft API, we used the code /who to see the who list. Than, we also added a couple of filters. First filter was z-"Warsong". z- means "zone", "Warsong" is Warsong Gulch (No need to type the full name). Second filter is the level range, in our case it's 77-83. What this macro does is simply checking the amount of people who are level 77-83 in Warsong Gulch battleground.

Step 2: Create 4 more macros

Repeat steps 4 more times BUT, this time in context box type:

macro2: /who z-"arathi basin" 77-83

macro3: /who z-"Eye of the Storm" 77-83

macro4: /who z-"Strand " 77-83

macro:5 /who z-"Alterac Valley" 77-83

Step 3: Final result

Now, you must have something like this:

Step 4: Usage

Using those macros are very simple, depending on where you put them, you can either mouse click or bind them. Good binding option would be Num Pad because those buttons usual remain unused while you play WoW. I don't want to make this guide even more complicated so I'll skip this step. It is not necessary to key bind them.

Step 5: How to predict battleground

Ok now since we have 5 different macros, each macro shows the who list of 5 different battlegrounds, which are available on Warmane You can probably guess already how are we doing it, but if you don't, read on.

1) Queue to random battleground

2) Wait for a call.

3) When the message pops up, you've 40 seconds whether to join or not. Use that time for the following:

Now the point is is that when a new battleground starts, amount of players in battleground should be strictly limited. For example:

Warsong can hold maximum of 10 people at once. Each new WSG adds more 10 people. So when you press the macro1 (which shows who list of Warsong), you'll see like 10 players, 20 players, 30 players or so. However, when you queued to random battleground and got a call, the amount of players in Warsong battleground starts to change. For example it will be 23, 24, 26... growing. If it happens, the battleground call you have gotten is Warsong.

This is very easy, I know it sounds a little bit hard and this topic contains lots of information, but basically, everything can be summed up like that: Use macro to see how many players in each battleground, and when you receive a call to battleground, quickly spam all 5 macros to see in which battleground the amount of players are changing (make sure they are in ascending value aka "going up")

Here are some more amounts of players which each battleground can hold

Warsong Gulch: 10 players
Arathi Basin: 15 players
Eye of the Storm: 15 players
Strand of the Ancient: 15 players
Alterac Valley: 40 players

Feel free to ask questions