Guide for Quest:The Strength of Tortolla, opening +10-20 more Quests in Mount Hyjal
(*Important update see below first*)
*Leadin part*
This starts with Alliance Quest "The Third Flamegate" (Openwow wowhead) which leads you into Tortolla's cave (instance).
Unfortunately the first mainquest "The Strength of Tortolla" Openwow wowhead was very bugged, partly fixed but still is. Your invited to vote my Bugreport up, if you can, so it gets Dev attention and gets fixed.
*Guide part*
The Questdescription is missleading because atm. you dont have to lead you pet Turtle to the "Nemesis Crystal" like described but instead to the Boss Tortolla. Once there you have to kill Tortolla, with your pet near you, to finish the Quest.
**Leading the Turtle**
The pet Turtle is bugging out very easily if you run to fast or cross some wrong spot that makes it vanish. Additionally it aggros on any hostile NPC and even opposite Faction Players and then stops following! So you have to make shure to kill all NPC on the way thus its best to do this in a Group with some Members cleaning the way ahead. Its doable.
**Killing Tortolla**
You have to kill Tortolla again(!) in the follow up Quest "Finish Nemesis" (Openwow wowhead) but this time you get a "Totem of Tortolla" which gives you a 6 second protective bubble agains Tortolla's Bossattack "Molten Fury".
So in a weak Group you may want to combine both Quests by making one Groupmember finish the first Quest with Grouphelp and then helping in return with the protective Totem to give the rest of the Group a chance to finish first Quest (like a zipper).
Ofcourse for lvl84-85 these Quests can be done solo easy if you manage to get your pet Turtle to Tortolla.
After these Quests multiple new Quests become available and most give you big chunks of preciouse Guardian of Hyjal reputation and ofcourse nice jumps up your lvl85 goal.
Please comment in and bump this threat here as long as this Guide is valid and again please vote on the Bugreport so the issues get fixed sooner.
Added a Map and found a far better, less bugged path (thru the Lava). On top you also circumvent most mobs that make your turtle aggro and bug out. Have fun!