Originally Posted by
I didnt talk about unfairness and i play a lot of arenas and bgs myself. I talked about:
1. Bgs being absolutely horrible. WHY? Enjoying bgs is actually a huge part of pvp. If you dont, and only enjoy arena, dont ruin other people's fun.
2. Frostmourne being a fresh server makes pvp fun to meet people from all knowledge levels. Its a fresh feeling and people who love wow really love this retail like feeling. You meet some good players, you meet some noobs. Its a fresh experience and what frostmourne is all about.
3. No i dont like meeting only valid comps in arena, which is what blackrock introduces. In a fresh server people play arena with their friends and whatever the fck ****comp they can come up with because thats the chars they leveled up. I despise the ****ton of warpals flooding the arena from blackrock, and i dont even understand how people dont feel apalled from playing this **** over and over again.
So all in all, i do play pvp, and i played a ****ton of it in every realm here. If you search my posts im a real fun of backrock as well i just dont like crossrealm on frostmourne, simple as that. I also didnt like it on lordaeron.
Icecrown and blackrock should have crossrealm together but i would love a rated bg system to avoid trolls who just play 3 bgs to enter arenas in br. On frostmourne though i dont like crossrealm at all and it destroys all fun in pvp at least for me and all my friends who enjoy this fresh feeling.
Just my two cents,
PS: I dont believe anyone actually playing pvp in frostmourne likes this. Honestly