And to people saying it wasn't on main page, i'm pretty sure it was like a 2 roll sentence, because i as you guys use the main page to inform myself too. I just like to go in details and check the links they post too.
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And to people saying it wasn't on main page, i'm pretty sure it was like a 2 roll sentence, because i as you guys use the main page to inform myself too. I just like to go in details and check the links they post too.
It seems stupid to me to reduce the gold, it is about to go up to 80 and to be able to buy an item that was just 3k gold and now I am going to have to farm all that lost gold, Thanks :)
Hello, i believe my acount was deleted although i was active for some days now lately is there any way for me to recover it ?
Account name was shkabone
As a new player on warmane I was to chime in on the Gold Squish. It's good for the health of the server from an economy point of view. The original blizz dev's didn't put anything i n place to counteract staying in 1 era for so long and I think halfing the gold every year is an effective means of countering inflation.
To other players who are upset by the Gold Squish.
1. They can't announce when it happens or people will buy out the AH to store their gold in other forms like ore/herbs/gems etc.
2. They can't only squish players with above X amount of gold because those players would just mule their gold below that X amount.
3. It keeps prices low so YOU can actually afford to buy thing on the AH
Thank You warmane staff,
Thumbs Up
It may sound like a dumb question, but has the gold squish already happened on ICC realm?
I logged in yesterday and today as well, and it looked like my gold was the same.
It did.
If you logged in yesterday after the early morning hours ( ST ), your gold was already halved, that's why you didn't notice a change. If you logged in the early server hours before the squish, then I don't know how much you had but small figures are barely noticeable even for the average player, so unless you remember your exact wealth in gold you might have just not noticed that some hundreds of a difference. Might sound stupid after all the rage in this thread but there are players who don't know about the squish even after it happened, they just stare at the AH going crazy.
I have stolen 50k gold, how much time was spent on crafting and collecting fossils. I'm from Russia, I didn't know what this could be. Thank you very much, please delete my account, I don't play with you anymore.
I completely agree, casual players with a small amount of gold should be unaffected, it doesnt seem fair.
The complaints started, i like reading this, BUT, guys just start making gold now back again, 50% got wiped. Remember, healthier economy
ahahahahah, Please go ahead, I like reading you
It all comes down to invested time, my man. A new player with 3-4 digit gold figures will think that he's super agile and able-bodied and reached the peak of his career for having that amount. Since that is the most gold he ever had / earned it means much to him, also, getting your head around the game's economy, AH, professions etc... as a new player is challenging so most of a newbie's time is spent by learning these, getting used to it and developing own systems and strategies.
What these players need to realise is that, as Angry said, some players put much more effort into making gold and yeah they have lots of it but this means they also lose much. Gaining back that few thousand as a newbie is suprisingly easy. It can be scary to look at your gold getting halved as a new player. Not knowing about the squish makes matters worse for them but if everyone read this thread and understood it as well, there would be zero problems. Everyone is looking at gold figures forgetting about the value it represents.
In a no-currency economy where primos and other mats would become the ultimate "currency", people would understand what value and "gold" really means.
Whising you the very best in gaining your losses back!
gold reduction in half phenomenal, but those who do not mazz or raid .... for lower levels who enjoy and are saving in the game for a year it is a hard stick, WARMANE take note this
People should know about the yearly golsquish now, if they don't turn their gold into assets over the course of the year they are at fault for bad financial management. They then should put more effort into that rather than rage at goldsquishes.
I've logged in within the last 2 months on my premium account and most of my character names have been reset and awaiting new ones to be put in, what's up with that?