But the economy was healthy...
I'm sure this gets asked all the time but anyway...
At least on Lordaeron, prices have been doing fine. In fact, the price if Primos (which is the #1 indicator to me, as they're not really based on drop rates) had actually been going down slowly but surely until the announcement of the Gold Squish. The AH price was bottoming out at around 850g, you could get them in trade/global for around 800.
Now, because everyone knows half their gold will vanish soon, people are raising prices. Right now the cheapest Primo is 1049g. I've been on this server long enough to know they'll be over 2k before the squish happens. Then *squish* they'll be 1k, and will resume slowly dropping.
You're fixing a problem which did not exist, and by announcing it in advance you've actually created the inflation this is supposed to prevent. A hypothetical new player with 800g can no longer buy a Primo if they need one.
A gold squish should be done only as a response to inflation, and should never be announced until it's done. These things are hurting the economy, not helping it.
Savvy players will know what items to invest their gold in prior to the squish anyway to avoid most of its impact. Last year I kept about 85% of my gold. It's like insider trading, knowing in advance what's going to happen.