
Type: Posts; User: ButtcrackMcGee

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  1. Reject women, embrace femboys and transgirls....

    Reject women, embrace femboys and transgirls. That's 80% of the Alliance nowadays haha.
  2. Replies

    No one can see the exact amount of gold but...

    No one can see the exact amount of gold but statistics in-game can show how much gold you earned while playing. Its why I always check the beggars around Stormwind and Orgrimmar, most of them have...
  3. Oh look, another Alliance "PvPer" acting tough....

    Oh look, another Alliance "PvPer" acting tough. Maybe stop killing the levelers in Grom'gal and join the battlegrounds instead.
  4. Replies

    The best place is the auction house because...

    The best place is the auction house because farming them is never, ever time efficient. Leave that to the stupid peasants and just buy it from the auction house. Its rarely worth it to farm something...
  5. Replies

    I made this post about 2 months ago and I'm just here to say thanks. I'll be making use of this new feature for sure.
  6. > If high level players cant solo-farm ore then...

    > If high level players cant solo-farm ore then the lowbies will never be able to make themselves some gear because all the high-level players will be strip-mining starter areas instead....
  7. If they intentionally nerfed instance farming I...

    If they intentionally nerfed instance farming I say ****ing FINALLY. Nobody should be able to farm anything uncontested like that. It drives down the value of items and botters can do it indefinitely...
  8. Replies

    What's the matter? I thought the Horde members...

    What's the matter? I thought the Horde members were proud, strong soldiers who are not afraid of anything. What happened to "victory or death"?

    Yes, come to the Alliance. We could use more...
  9. World server keeps going down often

    Maybe some of the things that were done to Icecrown could be applied here for stability?
  10. Replies

    Trash packs in SFK are broken. Their damage is...

    Trash packs in SFK are broken. Their damage is insane compared to enemies in Deadmines, Wailing Caverns and Blackfathom Deeps. I was barely able to tank it on Lordaeron realm as a level 26 tank in...
  11. Frostmourne will likely solve the outrageously...

    Frostmourne will likely solve the outrageously long queue times for Icecrown and if it doesn't, at least we can have a little fun there whenever we fail to get into Icecrown. I mostly just care about...
  12. So I wasn't going crazy after all. I was doing...

    So I wasn't going crazy after all. I was doing quests in Crystalsong Forest and I had to get down to the ground and almost bump into enemies to find them. Same with collecting items, had to really...
  13. This realm has an uptime of 2 days despite being full for 18 hours per day

    How did they manage to accomplish this? During the initial rush of players a few weeks ago the server was constantly going down throughout the day but now its like nothing ever happened. I'm...
Results 1 to 13 of 59
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