
Type: Posts; User: adampaulski27

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  1. the biggest problem with blackrock is all dose...

    the biggest problem with blackrock is all dose scripters. so damm borring to do arena when u face scripters
  2. whats the point of do pvp on frostmoure. it feels...

    whats the point of do pvp on frostmoure. it feels like its better to have one char on blackrock for pvp and one char on forstmoure for pve...
  3. Replies

    Orgrimmar guards

    Hello. It's a small thing or a bug, and probably very easy to solve. but when i run around orgrimmar i see orgrimmar grunt (guards) feets are not on the ground. its like every grunt needs to be...
  4. Replies

    this new change is so bad. pvp on frost server...

    this new change is so bad. pvp on frost server are alredy very low. and now they change that you need to do 3v3 for getting shoulder etc. there is barly any ques into 3v3.. everyone are just doing...
Results 1 to 4 of 6