1. [Soul Preserver] trinket bug ?

    Can some one tell me if this trinket [Soul Preserver] is bugged ? the one that i have dosen't proc.

  2. I've asked the same thing even on global, no response, i searched on https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker too and i cannot find it

  3. I got one for my shaman yesterday and it didn't proc yet, although the samplesize is small. The proc is called "Healing Trance" and the icon looks like a tree. Spell ID is 60513. Set up TellmeWhen to show you when this buff is present and keep casting. If it's indeed broken, then it's definitely time to file a bug-report.

  4. Soul Preserver trinket works as intended at least on Holy Paladin. I specifically tested it on BQL encounter while the whole raid was stacked and Glyph of Holy Light has an opportunity to hit its maximum targets with each Holy Light cast. On a 3:35 minute fight the trinket procced 14 times (technically 15 times cause a proc occured immediately before the pull and that proc was consumed when the boss was already engaged).


    For this specific encounter the trinket was worth about 265 mp5.

    I don't have it on shaman to test if all Chain Heal targets count as a separate chance for the proc to occur and this is how it should be. For Resto Druid this trinket is highly inefficient cause Wild Growth is the only spell (not counting Tranquility since it has a huge cooldown) that can provide him with a better chance for a proc to occur.
    Edited: June 16, 2024

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