1. 3 Weeks Ago  

    Error message - please help

    Hi there

    My husband multiboxes with five toons, which is allowed but whenever I try to play with him on one toon, he gets warning about multiboxing as well as gets kicked. Then our health and mana take a beating... Just wondering how we can rectify this as we are following all the rules.
    To clarify He is on his own PC with 5 clients running and I am on a SEPARATE PC with my 1 client running. When I sign on, he gets error messages saying
    Excessive multiboxing detected

    Thanks again for your help

  2. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Multiboxing limit is pretty much equivalent of "up to 5 accounts connected per household". You are trying it with 6 basically, and get the effect of system detecting 6 accounts connected.

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