1. Some enhancement shaman questions

    I've been reading alot of enhancement shaman guides and alot of them say that duo windfury weapon is better then windfury/flametongue, because flametongue is bugged on warmane. Is that still true or has something change?

  2. Using double Windfury is bad. An offhand procc will do very little damage and trigger the internal 3 seccond cd.
    There used to be a bug where Flametounge didn't increase the damage of your Lava Slash, but Lava Slash has low damage anyways.

    Your options are Wf/Ft for damage or Wf/Fb for more cc.

    All the guides suggesting double windfury are old. Back then there was a bug where Windfury would always use your Mainhand for the damage calculation, even if it procced of your Offhand.

  3. Thank you for info. Helped alot. :D

  4. There used to be a bug where Flametounge didn't increase the damage of your Lava Slash, but Lava Slash has low damage anyways.

    All the guides suggesting double windfury are old. Back then there was a bug where Windfury would always use your Mainhand for the damage calculation, even if it procced of your Offhand.
    This information is only partially true.
    Disclosure: i no longer play the current iteration of wotlk so i have no idea of the current bugs, but i played enhancement shaman from 2012 to 2015 all the way up to BiS gear and studied the double windfury scenario vs WF/flametongue exhaustively.

    Having 2 WF enchants allowed for better PPM RNG, and every single time WF procced with whichever weapon caused it, it always did MH weapon damage (as explained by Lindwurm). Also, while WF did have its intended 3 sec CD, it wasnt unique to the weapon. Basically, on the recount, you'd always see even numbers of WF procs (2, 4, 6, 24, 48, etc) because every time it procced with one weapon it procced for the other as well (again, always doing MH damage).

    There never existed such a bug where flametongue didnt increase the damage of lava lash, the damage increase always worked as intended. The illusion here is that, and without a fear of exaggerating, Lava Lash does 0 damage, so no matter how much % you increase that 0, it will still be a 0. Lava Lash is simply a filler spell used only to build MW stacks: its at the very very bottom of the priority system.

  5. Wf / Ft is better in pve, since u have enough uptime to get procs for windfury on mainhand.

    In pvp i would recommend using wf / wf, since otherwise u wont get enough stacks for maelstorm to heal up and stuff. If u get unlucky in pvp with wf / ft or fb it may be that u die before u can even get second windfury proc since it can take more than 8 seconds..

    And atm cant recommend enha. Windfury damage is badly bugged and u'll lack ****loads of damage cause of that.

    See: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/27509

  6. Wf / Ft is better in pve, since u have enough uptime to get procs for windfury on mainhand.

    In pvp i would recommend using wf / wf, since otherwise u wont get enough stacks for maelstorm to heal up and stuff. If u get unlucky in pvp with wf / ft or fb it may be that u die before u can even get second windfury proc since it can take more than 8 seconds..

    And atm cant recommend enha. Windfury damage is badly bugged and u'll lack ****loads of damage cause of that.

    See: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/27509
    Not sure about this; having flametongue/frostbrand on your off-hand is the main way of procing elemental devastation which increases your chance to proc flurry thus generating more maelstrom stacks.

  7. New core has many fixes.

    Flametongue + Lava Lash doing a guaranteed 125% off-hand weapon dmg every 6 seconds, while off-hand WF can trigger once per 8, 15, 20 , 25 sec with possible lesser damage. Also, FT increasing your shaman SP and each hit doing addition fire damage.

    The main shaman fix on the new WoW core is: spell casting resets the swing timer! (only x5MS not reseting swing timer, so casting with x4MS hurts shaman dps seriously and WF+WF mode even more).

    Obviously the Enh concept should be rewritten with new fixes... haste Enh shamans with both WF+WF can no longer work good...

  8. May 25, 2022  

    I may be wrong, currently leveling, will repost when I get the

    Using double Windfury is bad. An offhand procc will do very little damage and trigger the internal 3 seccond cd.
    There used to be a bug where Flametounge didn't increase the damage of your Lava Slash, but Lava Slash has low damage anyways.

    Your options are Wf/Ft for damage or Wf/Fb for more cc.

    All the guides suggesting double windfury are old. Back then there was a bug where Windfury would always use your Mainhand for the damage calculation, even if it procced of your Offhand.
    ((Weapon Sync- the art of smashing a macro during a certain time in between attacks to line up your main hand before offhand, also while having same speed weapons, *2.4 or preferably 2.6 in both MH & OH
    There is some misconceptions here. The reason using WF/WF is or was superior in TBC was due to Weapon syncing and flurry stacks. I’m quite sure both are still active now. “Don’t quote me just yet, I may be wrong, I’ve just seen no information on weapon syncing, and haven’t seen or read anyone testing with the macro”
    Syncing isn’t something that is vastly known between enhancements shamans. And only has recently bloomed. How many know you need to have a macro, weapon timer bar/add on to ensure your within the .5 margin to ensure the system doesn’t pick up 2 swings. I sure as hell didn’t, until i stumbled across a YouTube video, only one of its kind, talking about witchcraft, and Jim jones Koolaid. But it works! In TBC at least that I know of at this moment.
    But why weapon sync? This is why the argument for WF/WF is touted better than WF/FT. We had to same arguments in TBC Classic, great arguments on both, and without syncing and same slow speed weapons, it is doo doo. Reason you have to do all this extra stuff, cancel attacks, line up swings perfectly is because of one little thing, Flurry! Doing all this extra work granted that it wouldn’t count two swings every 2.6 sec or whatever weapon speed you had, it would only count as 1. As you know flurry has 3 charges of 30% increase weapon speed, and it’s easy to get 3 swings with no crit. BUT! With double WF now you had 4 chances every 2.6, even with 1.5 internal cool down 3 chances per 3 charges, without weapon syncing, but WITH now 3-4 chances per 6 charges. Also WF double procs with syncing, at least it did in TBC retail classic. Which you start thinking about it and looking at it, you can see why WF/WF was busting ***, and was a must to pump like Arnold.

    Now this all could be fixed, it’s not a major broken bug, its actually very minor, and doesn’t cause substantial dps, what I’m saying is it’s not even remotely game breaking, and to my knowledge was only discovered recently. It rewards you for the extra work and focus, and man with it procs double WF! It’s a beautiful lethal thing. But typically after, better pull a shield, cause your tanking. ))

    Also half asleep when writing this, hope someone can decipher and make sense.

  9. May 29, 2022  
    bro you are necroing threads from 7 8 9 years ago

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