No, the title is not sarcastic. I've see a lot of negative posts here in the forums and I am a bit disheartened. I feel like a lot of people don't realize how good we have it.

I've been playing on Warmane servers on and off for the last 9 years. Raided actively during the first year of Lorderon WOTLK, then Outland TBC fully. And Icecrown WOTLK has just been a treat, a constant server with a ton of people, that you know - Everytime you get the urge to run a chill ICC run, Icecrown is always there.

In the meantime, I've also been hoping on Retail from time to time. And I can honestly say - In a lot of ways, Warmane provide better WoW servers then Retail... and they do it for FREE! I cannot overstate this enough - We are NOT paying for the service the Warmane devs are providing us. So with that in mind - Let's have a little bit more appreciation for the work this team is doing for us, instead of constantly critisizing every little flaw.

I am personally not a huge fan of Vanilla and I am patiently waiting for the TBC Launch to go nuts and play 12 hours a day lol, however Vanilla has it's charms, so let's just enjoy it while it's here. Enjoy the little things that make the Warmane servers so much better then everything else out there - I've leveled 4 characters on Onyxia and I haven't found a single bugged quest. My hunter pet's pathing is impeccable. My warrior doesn't go underground when I charge. All Warmane servers have amazing uptime and virtually no lag. Phase launches are smooth.

In summary - Thank you Warmane staff for all the hard work. For allowing us to play our favorite game for FREE with such great quality. And for the players - Let's be a little bit more appreciative and patient - And if you want to help improve the server - Give consrtuctive crtiticism, donate if you can and spread the word to your friends and players who you've played WoW with before. That's it.