1. Holy Paladin PVP question(s)

    Hey first I'm not really sure if the topic is correct, if it's not then moderators please move it to correct section ^^

    For info that might help you, I'm somehow low-medium skilled hpala, with 6k GS, 1220 res. making my way into arena aiming for at least 2k one day :P

    Okay I don't really know where to begin. I'm struggling with hpala in 2v2 and my partner is usually AWarr.
    So mostly I think I've having problems with positioning and I let my self get catch in CC chain especially if there is warlock, mage, sometimes even druid.
    -So do you have any good guide I could take a look at or any suggestion tip or trick to improve myself and avoid that?

    VS mages - I don't really know how to support my warrior against mages, whatever I do is somehow useless (just my point of view), everything is spell-stealled not to mention Hands of Freedom, yes I cleanse a lot but mostly I get caught in CC chain again, poly, counterspell, not to mention spells from match up combo that is with mage.
    - Any good advice how to properly support my warr versus that kind of matchup (mage/priest warlock/mage etc)

    Mirror combo hpala/awarr
    - If they aren't BiS, what could be best thing to do here? assist my warrior with damage?

    Seals - Slowly understanding the seals mostly the one that return the mana to me, but are there moments I should use any other seal?

    Judgements - Simply whichone I should use, when and why?

    Manaburn - Struggling against prists with manaburn, I understand I can get it back but simply this just destroy me :/
    - Any tips to avoid that? Or how to counter that..?

    Burst combos, double hunters, mage/spriests, 2 rogues or feral combat druids. etc etc
    - How to counter that my warrior is just getting eaten up in few seconds not to mention that they can CC me with sap or things like that.

    However I checked around if there could be a match up mistake but I see awars and hpalas reaching quite huge results in arenas, I understand there are players that are pros with positioning and stuff, but I don't understand how they can do it :P or survive the CC chain, heal the bursts, counter the rogue's posion which reduces the healing etc :/

    I would really appriciate little help here that will probably help me to improve my skills in hpala and will make it easier to understand the class I'm trying to play. Thanks in advance!

  2. About your positioning, hug a pillar. Get your partner to peel off you. (Peel means force the enemy to stop chasing you for a moment and deal with him instead via hamstring, stuns, etc.) Use line of sight to your advantage. That's about all you can do. If the opponents can't kill your partner because you're healing them really well, then they are either going to try and kill you, or they will try and CC you so that you can't heal your partner. Keep that in mind while you play. Your partner also needs to keep that in mind and not drift out of line of sight when you two are vulnerable, so they can catch you with a CC and kill your partner while you're CC'ed out of line of sight.

    VS mages
    You want to try and keep your Sacred Cleansing buff up on your partner as much as possible here. Only use Hand of Freedom when it's absolutely necessary. If you get the opportunity and the mage is you and your partner's target, hit the mage with your stun when his Blink is on CD. There's not a whole bunch more you can do than that. Try and help your partner out with damage when you don't need to heal, too.

    Mirror comp
    That depends. If you and your partner are really well geared also, you'll have to find a way to out-play them. You'll have to force the other paladin to use their divine shield. After which point, you will either need to CC the paladin and help your partner kill the warrior, or try and tunnel and kill the paladin. It depends on how good your partner is at sticking to their target, and how good the enemy warrior is. If the enemy warrior is good, you will probably have better luck finding a way to kill the paladin first. Use Hand of Freedom here to help your partner stick to their target.
    Also keep in mind here that the enemy will probably try and do the same. Try to stay in your partner's line of sight so they can help peel off the enemy warrior when it's necessary. You also want to keep line of sight with the enemy paladin so you can help your partner kill them.

    You can use Seal of Corruption/Vengeance to put a DOT on a rogue/druid to keep them from steathing away easily if your partner isn't on them. If your partner is on them, you don't need to because of warrior bleeds. You can also use Seal of Righteousness to help deal damage when you need to (mainly through auto attacks and Judgment). Otherwise, you will need to stick to Seal of Wisdom and try to get in as many auto attacks during the fight as you can to keep your mana stable.

    Use Judgment of Justice on any class that can sprint or have a base movement speed increase to help you kite or help your partner stick to them (rogue, druid, hunter, ret paladin, etc.). Though it may not be necessary to use Justice on your partner's target if they are keeping hamstring on them. If Judgment of Justice isn't needed, then use Judgment of Light and try to keep it on your partner's target. Judgment of Wisdom would only be useful if you are absolutely desperate for mana and you can auto attack the target. But you should use Seal of Wisdom and Divine Plea at the proper times to prevent yourself from getting to such a critical state.

    Depends on the Priest. If it is a Disc Priest, try to stay out of their line of sight. If it's Shadow, your partner should probably be on them, depending on their comp. If you are up against mana burn, keep Seal of Wisdom active and try and auto attack as much as you can if they are getting casts off. If they are chain casting it, your warrior partner needs to charge/interrupt/whatever often enough to get them to not use it. If they are Disc and they are trying to mana burn you, that means your partner isn't putting out enough pressure. Disc can be a pretty difficult target to take down, but depending on the comp, your partner should consider sticking to the priest. If the priest is Shadow, then it is very likely that the comp they are running will require your partner to go on the priest. In which case, your partner should be interrupting as much as possible, especially on critical spells like Mana Burn, Vampiric Touch and their healing spells.

    Burst combos, double hunters, mage/spriests, 2 rogues or feral combat druids. etc etc
    - How to counter that my warrior is just getting eaten up in few seconds not to mention that they can CC me with sap or things like that.

    You have to play it safe. Don't be afraid to use your defensives to survive the start of the match. Your partner too. Take advantage of line of sight. Try and bait the enemy to use their CDs and then both of you just run away into line of sight. Just get them to pop those CDs and then completely avoid them until their CDs run out. If you can get a double-dps team to use the bulk of their damage CDs and you can live through it, then there is a very good chance that you will win the match.
    Playing against a double dps comp is all about surviving, because they will not be able to match your comp's survivability - they don't have a healer. Just focus on staying alive and you will win.
    Against Rogues and Mages here, keep in mind if you use Hand of Sacrifice or Divine Sacrifice on your partner, the damage transfer will break any Sap/Blind/Polymorph/etc. on you.

    However I checked around if there could be a match up mistake but I see awars and hpalas reaching quite huge results in arenas, I understand there are players that are pros with positioning and stuff, but I don't understand how they can do it :P or survive the CC chain, heal the bursts, counter the rogue's posion which reduces the healing etc :/

    I would really appriciate little help here that will probably help me to improve my skills in hpala and will make it easier to understand the class I'm trying to play. Thanks in advance!
    Holydin & Arms Warrior is actually one of the stronger comps for 2's. You guys just need to practice, practice, practice and practice some more. Try and figure out strats that work to counter certain comps. Make sure you work together, too. I strongly suggest using voice comms if you aren't using them already. I don't mind giving advice, and I'm sure there are a fair number of others who wouldn't mind helping you out too.
    Also, remember to practice! It's like the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect".

  3. I really appriciate your answer here and I find it very helpful I want to higlight a line you mentioned:
    "Hand of Sacrifice or Divine Sacrifice on your partner, the damage transfer will break any Sap/Blind/Polymorph/etc. on you."

    See.. I didn't think on that one, I think it will be way easier for me now to encounter this kind of stuff, thank you very much!

  4. This may be a little off topic but, I haven't been playing on blackrock for a while now, since before it became blackrock actually. I have returned yesterday to do some arenas and realized that Sacred Cleansing didn't proc the entire day... Not once, so is this a known bug or what?
    Also, it seems to me that Stoicism(prot talent) doesn't seem to work, I haven't really tested it, but it just feels like everything is getting dispelled/purged/spellstollen instantly...

  5. Blackrock has a custom patch for PvP. You can read about it here: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=301142

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