1. polearm or 2 one hand axes

    like the title says it, what do you prefer and why...

    I made this thread because i never see a hunter with 2 one hand axes and they all have polearms
    Would my gearscore and stats go up if i would choose 2 one hand axes? in stead of a polearm?


  2. like the title says it, what do you prefer and why...

    I made this thread because i never see a hunter with 2 one hand axes and they all have polearms
    Would my gearscore and stats go up if i would choose 2 one hand axes? in stead of a polearm?


    Polearms give generally more dps (and more useful as for lk weapons) stats, than two one-handers.

  3. just like jendah said in pve you want a 2 handed weapon because they give you more dps stats, in pvp you always use 2 one handed weapons because you can use deterrence while disarmed by warriors and shadow priests etc

  4. just like jendah said in pve you want a 2 handed weapon because they give you more dps stats, in pvp you always use 2 one handed weapons because you can use deterrence while disarmed by warriors and shadow priests etc
    A 2hander will always give you superior stats. Is it a polearm or axe depends on your race. A orc hunter would pref. a 2h axe for instance.

    About PVP, you still want to use a 2hander because it still gives superior stats. Regarding the disarm, you can easily macro your weapon sets to change when you face a rogue. On top of that, due to having Viper fixed, you will regen more mana if you melee hit something with 2 one handers, so daggers are a really nice choice for pvp.

  5. A 2hander will always give you superior stats. Is it a polearm or axe depends on your race. A orc hunter would pref. a 2h axe for instance.

    About PVP, you still want to use a 2hander because it still gives superior stats. Regarding the disarm, you can easily macro your weapon sets to change when you face a rogue. On top of that, due to having Viper fixed, you will regen more mana if you melee hit something with 2 one handers, so daggers are a really nice choice for pvp.
    for what reson orc hunter (ANY HUNTER) should use 2h axe?)))))))))))

    and about pvp without x2 1handers - u gotta love that bladestorm into ya

  6. if its for pve just get whatever gives you more stats, if its for pvp get both a 2h wep and 2 1h weapons to switch between depending on what you're facing.

  7. for what reson orc hunter (ANY HUNTER) should use 2h axe?)))))))))))

    and about pvp without x2 1handers - u gotta love that bladestorm into ya
    he thinks of the 5exp racial that u get as orc, but exp doesnt do anything, only if u wanna play the op melee hunter

  8. for what reson orc hunter (ANY HUNTER) should use 2h axe?)))))))))))

    and about pvp without x2 1handers - u gotta love that bladestorm into ya
    I like to have every possible advantage, and having the 277 2h axe is obviously better than the polearm or sword due to the racial, even if it gave only 1 expertise, it's better than 0.

    Of course I am talking only about the pvp gear (when you are outnumbered and need that extra resil). Or did your small brain think I was implying the axe > oathbinder?

  9. ignore Mchaplain, expertise doesnt mean much to a hunter and if you're able to get a good 2h pve weapon like Oathbinder than it will provide much better stats other than resilience which you're better off getting from gems or pvp offparts.

  10. For BGs or against teams with no disarm:

    Oathbinder > 2h Wrathful > dual wield axes

    Against disarms (usually in arenas):

    dual wield axes > Oathbinder.

    The reason I like axes over daggers/etc. is because they have a slower speed. Should you end up in melee range, you likely won't stay there for long, so you want to hit the enemy as hard as you can for the 1 auto attack you are in melee range for. You can choose to use Oathbinder in arenas, but honestly, sitting 10 seconds in disarm without being able to deter or do anything is pretty much death.

  11. 1 Week Ago  
    As far as I know rogue can disarm both weapons, so it only works vs warrior, priest, etc., which disarm only the main hand weapon.

  12. 6 Days Ago  
    The point is, if you use 2x1h you can use 2 enchs which one should be weapon chain to reduce the disarm duration by 50%.
    So instead of full 10s when you cannot deter, take full dmg and die you take 5s and hopefully be able to deter with 1hp left.

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