1. Human or Dran

    Heroic presence vs sword/mace spec
    Gift of the naaru vs every man for himself

    These are the options i want discussed i dont care about extra rep and some resistances
    I already have a 60 Human warrior on Lordaeron but i am more than willing to make a fresh Dran i love leveling warriors but is it worth it, is the hit better than exp, in pvp is it better to have an extra heal or an extra dps trinket

  2. The human racial is definitely the best in pvp. The gift of the naruu may turn useful in a duel situation (which nobody gives a damn about), but in arena can't be compared with the chance to equip a double pve trinket. Even if we are talking about Lordaeron so, during the first seasons you will lack a bit of resilience as a human, but the arms warrior will be bad anyway. You have to be patient and wait for the relentless season to begin, with the togc pve gear included.

  3. Definitely human. 1% hit and a tiny heal cannot compare with the human racials.

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