1. Raids on icecrown nerfed?

    Hello everyone, some friends and I recently started playing on Icecrown and are now ready to raid. One of my friends got this idea that the raids on the Icecrown server are nerfed, to make them easier, I could not find any prove of this after reading through a lot of post on the forum and the only info i can find on the servers her on the website are the amount of xp you gain and the balance of H/A. Could anybody tell me if the raids on Icecrown are nerfed compared to the blizzard servers from back then. Thanks in advance. :)

  2. As far as I know there has been a lot of work put in to make it as blizzlike as possible.
    If anything is "nerfed" it's a bug and make a bug report.

  3. Hello everyone, some friends and I recently started playing on Icecrown and are now ready to raid. One of my friends got this idea that the raids on the Icecrown server are nerfed, to make them easier, I could not find any prove of this after reading through a lot of post on the forum and the only info i can find on the servers her on the website are the amount of xp you gain and the balance of H/A. Could anybody tell me if the raids on Icecrown are nerfed compared to the blizzard servers from back then. Thanks in advance. :)
    Not nerfed, we've had 10 years to optimize our talents, our gameplay, our tactics and our methods

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