1. cant enter heroics..

    THis is weird.. My pala with 2180 gs can enter heroic, but my druid with 2280 cant enter ? What's wrong here.. i even deleted my cache folder and it wont work.

  2. RHC doesn't use gs to count in entering into instances, it uses ilvl. So perhaps the ilvl on your pala is higher than ilvl on your druid even tho gs shows otherwise.

  3. Not sure if this is an exploit so please don't ban me just delete it but just unequip all but one epic piece of ilvl 200 gear queue then equip the rest once inside #thumbsup #havefun.

    ~Your friendly neighborhood CyberPolice

  4. After obtaining gear, it's good to re-log. It will update your iLvl. If the problem still exists, look if you have heirlooms. They add GS for sure, but they are counted as iLvl of 1. And RDF does count your gear via average iLvl, not GearScore.

  5. It's my understanding that it is not only ilevel based, but based on the ilevel of specific item slot items. Main items, Chest, head, legs, boots etc.

    Maybe the gearscore of one character is higher, but if they have an item with an ilevel that is too low in one of these slots, they will not be able to queue for RDF HC.

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