1. New Player

    What makes this server different? Are these servers Blizzlike? How big is the population? These are things i want to know before i download this and give the server a try.

  2. Warmane rates:
    [wotlk] Lordaeron: x1
    [wotlk] Icecrown: x7 (x5 reputation, gold, professions)
    [wotlk] Blackrock: Instant 80 (only PvP)
    [cata] Neltharion: x7 (x5 reputation, gold, professions)
    [cata] Warsong: Instant 85 (only PvP)
    [mop] Frostwolf: x7 (x5 reputation, gold, professions)

    You can read population counter on warmane frontpage. I can tell you the avarage peak of each realm during this Summer:
    [wotlk] Lordaeron: around 9k
    [wotlk] Icecrown: 12k+ some in que
    [wotlk] Blackrock: around 950
    [cata] Neltharion: around 1500
    [cata] Warsong: around 150
    [mop] Frostwolf: around 3.1k

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