1. Some day will be ICC or Black Temple be opened?

    And with the new marktet point system, will be added old items like old lvl 70 pvp gears?? really hope to live and see ICC and some old Raid opened, not just for get items for transmog and archivements, too remember old times, and let me believe this server dont just keep closed more of the 80% of the dungeons and raid to force the people to donate to get items and stuff... i dont mean to offend warmane or any staff, just dont want to keep myself waiting for something that will never happen... and i think MoP need more new things, the population of players is going down... is just my point of view, and sorry for the english not my main language...

    .ATTE. MattS

  2. They still didnt open old raids :o WTF Thats the only thing why i hate this server -_- year ago it was closed and still its closed.... the fuq ? o.O

  3. They still didnt open old raids :o WTF Thats the only thing why i hate this server -_- year ago it was closed and still its closed.... the fuq ? o.O
    Pretty sure they are gonna port over old raids and stuff like that via Lord to other realms :) They said that's the reason of the delay of releasing TBC because of porting over old raids :)

  4. Pretty sure they are gonna port over old raids and stuff like that via Lord to other realms :) They said that's the reason of the delay of releasing TBC because of porting over old raids :)
    If thats the case, then I hope all the raids/dungeons do not get messed up like Deadmines on Normal, bugs are just that insane.

    Any who, I dunno about old raids just yet because there is a lot of fixing for the end game content, and what is currently there. We had pet battles until it was disabled for not working properly as we were told in game.
    Old raid stuff will probably be back later this year or the next, who knows, I for one was waiting on this since Hellscream/Stormstout PTRs and onwards.

  5. I think it will never open old bands would stop making money. For example

    Invincible's Reins cost (38 coins-------- 40$)

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