1. <washed up like laundry>- The dankest EU PvP/chill guild you'll ever join

    Hello. So uh i guess this is the very official guild topic of guild. Shortly (not really) said, i've had some of the greatest experiences in WoW being in PvP guilds, dominating servers and whatnot and most of all, being in a nice community. In my eyes, those are three things that are missing, at least on the horde side.
    Sure, there are some PvP guilds, and while i wish them the best, "2.4k, retail gladiator or gtfo" is kinda ridiculous and from what i can guess the community isn't really welcoming.

    So i've (we've) come up with this. The guild is going to focus on helping players get geared and build a nice community with which to dominate every battleground we get in.

    The requirements:
    There are hardly any. All we ask of you is to not be toxic and/or a ditcher. The guild is obviously not going to instantly grow up, it will surely take a bit of time so you should be ready for that. If you leave without a solid reason it won't be as simple to re-join, although not impossible.
    Obviously understandable English and being able to use a voice communication service is a plus, but the second one isn't a huge requirement.
    There are NO level requirements (but really, try to get up there so we can play together :D )

    It should be noted that while we are probably going to mainly be a PvP guild, there is always the possibility of also doing some raid runs in the future, if thats what the community wants. Daily dungeons are definitely not out of the question either.

    We do have a site where you can apply if you feel like it, its not super mandatory and the application is pretty easy to get through.


    Currently only I (Exey in-game) can invite you with a surprise famous person coming in soon (Kappa), so whisper me in-game or leave a reply if you want more info.

    Because i forgot to add that and you can't edit the topic's title, the guild is on the Horde side

    Edited: December 28, 2015

  2. Hai
    So the surprise from yesterday joined us. Neryx is now the second guild master and will hopefully be helping us grow (kidding, hes just gonna afk and be autistic Kappa). We also have a new officer, Sewah.

  3. We will occasionally do 10m raids aswell, but since Exey is too autistic to edit the main post, I had to put this one here.

  4. We will occasionally do 10m raids aswell, but since Exey is too autistic to edit the main post, I had to put this one here.
    Indeed^ We've got a good PvE leading base so raids are going to be easy

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