1. Sleepings joining warmane & looking for very active pvpers.

    Hello there!

    My name is Sleepingsmvp and i just started playing on Warmane.I have been playing on Retail during Mists of Pandaria expansion. After a while i decided to quit playing there and decided to join Warmane for a while and test it out. I dont really know anyone here on Frostwolf server, so i was hopping if there are any active pvpers that wants to play with me for progress and experience. Im a unholy dk, 2100+ in all three arena brackets including Rated Battlegrounds. Feel free to add me ingame , my name is Sleepingsmvp.

    Thanks everyone for taking your time and reading this.

  2. Welcome,

    Since you will be playing on Frostwolf, you should check Frostwolf's recruitment board to make this process of finding an arena partner faster. http://forum.warmane.com/forumdispla...35-Recruitment

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